September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

Like most people, I viewed the events of Septemeber 11th on TV. I was at school, and we changing classes. In the halls, people were coming up to me and saying something about us being bombed; there was also something going around about New York being completely destroyed. Within minutes, students were filing into various classrooms in order to get to a TV, regardless whether that class was their next or not. I was in the English room, and all we did was watch. We saw the buildings crumble...most of us couldn't believe this was happening, live and uncensored. I felt helpless and I wish in a way that I was there. To at least be partt of it; to do something. I hate sitting and watching without being able to do anything. The rest of the day, we were pretty much glues to the TV, as most of America was. When the school day ended, I went home; all athletic practices and other events were canceled. Once home, the TV was again turned on. My whole family watched, in silence for the most part, taking in what happened. Later that night we went to Church for a candlelight vigil. I didn't sleep much that night.

NMAH Story: Life Changed

I'm sure it has changed in more ways than I realize, but in the weeks that followed Sept. 11th, my life fell back into its normal pattern. Of course the media coverage of the event never ceased, but I think it got to a point that it became condensed. I pay closer attention to our politics and policy. I'm not afraid of another terror attack whenm it happens, and I don't really have it on my mind. What I am afraid of, is that, in aour fear, our government may be doing wrong. I fear for our civil liberties. How dare we use Sept. 11th a war drum for an invasion of Iraq...using the dead for a political agenda disgusts me.

NMAH Story: Remembered

We should never forget. Lets not let the victims die in vain. We must fight terrorism, yet we must also re-examine some of our own policies that perhaps brought these attacks on us.

NMAH Story: Flag

Yes. I've always had pride in the flag, so nothing changed.


“nmah4631.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 16, 2025,