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Date Entered
NMAH Story: Story
As I stood in my Kentucky kitchen watching live NBC television on that day in 2001 when our country was attacked I mixed reality with my dream world, an aboriginal tendency we humans have, and still to this day wake up thinking it was just a very bad dream. That day woke up many Americans and many others still walk in the past not realizing the world is diferent AND the world is actually ONE; for it does take a village.
NMAH Story: Life Changed
Completely, my ay of seeing everything is different and heightened to a new manner of seeing the mundane as profound and often comical, the irony of finding humor in our American way of living even after such a wake-up call. Like the man said, "Many are called but few are chosen."
NMAH Story: Remembered
Sanctity of life and the respect for the dead, period.
NMAH Story: Flag
On holidays I fly my city's Easton Flag (one of American first stars and stripes, Easton PA), being an artist I have been collecting the fallen flags along the roadsides of America where "patriotic Americans" allow them to flutter off their speeding cars... like basketball pennants in the wind ripped from their antennaes.
I will incorporate them into a textile creation eventually... they are now the stuff of art and life.
I will incorporate them into a textile creation eventually... they are now the stuff of art and life.
“nmah2934.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 16, 2025, https://911digitalarchive.org/items/show/42744.