September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

It was my first class of the day, Geometry, and everything was seeming to go normal. We were learning about proofs and such, and my classmates and I had no idea of what was about to happen to history. Well, when my class ended I was walking up the stairs in the 100 Hall and I saw one of my best friends, Shawn, who seemed extremely worried and energetic. She said to me, "A plane flew into one of the World Trade Centers, and Rachel is crying!" Rachel was one of our friends. I remember Shawn saying this perfectly. It was weird and foggy. So I get my binders and books for the next class and I am not really worried about what had happened because I didn't understand. When if first happened I don't think many people understood. I continued to my next class, english. Everyone was buzzing about what had happened. Many people for the first time were finding out what had happened. Many of my classmates were confused and wanted to know more about what happened. The Second Tower was down also now. I don't think we understood yet what had happened. My next class was French and an announcement was made that the Pentagon was hit, and the Twin Towers were about to crumble. Both of them. The tallest buildings I had personally ever seen. Gone. Everyone was confused. Who had done this? Why had they done this? Why can't we find out right now what was happening. Every minute was crucial. Who knew what was to happen next? The announcements said not to turn on the T.V. I think that was good. To see this live might have been too hard. My next was class was a computer class where we had the freedom to search the internet for more information. In this class no one really talked to each other, but that day we were working together to find some information about what had happened. We didn't find much. The rest of the day I can't remember. That's all. I remember I went home and was looking on the internet and the t.v. at the same time to find some more information. Every major station even MTV was covering 9/11 information. I saw the first taping of the actual airplane coming into the building when I was home. I didn't cry then. I was too shocked, scared, and full of butterflies to cry. I didn't really cry about it until a month later when all the names of the victims were shown. It was horrible. It was different. It wasn't what I wanted. No one wanted it. We have moved on, but we are still scarred. No one can forget what happened. I think about it everyday. I will never forget.


“story4218.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,