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911DA Story: Story
On September 11th I was in my 2nd period shop class when the terrorists took the planes and crashed them. The terrorists highjacked the planes because they were mad at the USA. I didn't even know that anything was going on until I got to my 3rd period class. The classroom had the news on and we were watching the planes in the building when they were showing replays. Then I seen the 2nd plane hit the building, I felt very sad and mad. I was feeling sad for the people that were in the planes and mad at the people that did it. A little while after the planes hit the towers I was the two buildings fall to the ground. When I saw this happening I was shocked to to see those two tall buildings crash to the ground. There was a great ball of smoke and dust coming from the buildings. The thing that was very bad that the buildings and the views of the city was and is changed forever. The thing that scared me the most was when the teacher said that we were going to war and that the draft might be lowered to 16 years old if they needed more people to fight. After class I was going to my locker to get my things for my next class and my friend was hitting her locker and crying. I asked her what was wrong and she said, "nothing." Finally I got her to tell me what was wrong, she told me that she thought that her sister might have been in the buildings when the plane's hit because she was in the military and had been stationed down there. I felt so bad because she was all upset and I was trying to help her out and luckily it was kind of working. I had my arm around her and she hugged me because she was crying and we were standing there for a while both trying to calm one another down. I finally got her calmed down. I told her it would be okay then she tried to call her mom from the high school office to see if they had talked to her sister but she wasn't there. In my gym class we were going to go out side to play football and the school made us come in because they were worried that there were terrorists on the run and they didn't want them to intrude our school. In school there were many people upset by the occuring incident. The school had a two minute silence to honor those that died and that had been injured in the attack. The school had the news on all through the school. After a while I was getting tired of hearing about it because that's all we talked about. I just wanted to forget it all for one day. Later I tried to call my friend to see if she was okay because of earlier she was so upset. Then we talked for a little bit then I let her go. Not the 9/11 is not talked about very much anymore and half mast has been raised, probably because some people just don't want to talk about it anymore and others just get too upset. There is a different new thing that still deals with 9/11. I still feel bad for the people I didn't even know because it's just the thought that someone would do that to inocent people. On 9/11 the whole USA was changed for a long time. September 11th has changed many peoples' lives plus my own. Now the police are on 24 hour a day watch for people to do with bombs and many other things that has to do with the 9/11. Since then there has been many changes that have been taking place that has never done before. The USA has put police and securities in places were people go to get away from everything. Now they have to worry about if something will happen to them in the places that they love with the people that they love.
“story775.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,