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911DA Story: Story
I began my morning as usual going to the shop to help my brother with his AAA-business, when my mother calls and says turn the tv on, so i did. Within minutes of turning the tv on I saw the second plane crash into the Tower, I felt so sick at my stomach. As we all watched in disbelief, we just was silent, without a word-then we realized that this was on purpose, why??? All those inocent ones. And today one-year later it still feels the same, the feeling in my stomach as I saw the building just fall, with people jumping from the Tower, knowing that children where there scared, along with the parents also scared. Why would such a thing happen like this. I know that the bible fore tells things like this, it is so awful-what else in our life-time is going to happen? I do not believe that there will be peace among other countries. I think it is impossible. Though my opinion, that is how I feel. My words for all those whom lost someone are so easily expressed with sorrow-I am so sorry that you all have had to go throough something like this, no one deserves such punishment.
Rebecca L. Graham
Rebecca L. Graham
“story5671.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 4, 2025,