September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

I "CLEARLY" Remember September 11, 2001, as if it were yesterday. I was driving south of Houston Street in the Village at 9:30 in the morning. It was a picture perfect sunny day and I took the day off from job because it was the Mayoral Elections (Primary Day). Fernando Ferrer was attempting to become the first Puerto Rican Mayor for the City of New York and I was one of his trusted political operatives working that day. As I was making my way north toward Houston St., I heard an explosion or possibly a tremendous BOOM it must have been about 9:40 am, anyway I made it up to Houston St. then made a left going west on Houston St., when I reach Houston and Broadway, I saw one of the Towers engulfed in flames. As I proceeded to the next block, one can clearly see the Tower and a portion of the plane falling from the sky and people running north. I parked the vehicle and ran up to the campaign office to notify everyone, to my surprise, everyone was on the fire escape watching in horror. There is more to say about that day but I rather stop for the moment, I lost my childhood friend "Fireman Angel Jurabe", known to us as "Little Louie", for me his Friendship and Heroism has redefine HUMANITY!

AM 156 Street

September 11 Email: Date

February 26, 2002

September 11 Email: Subject

I "CLEARLY" Remember September 11, 2001


“email25.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 5, 2024,