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September 11 Email: Body

-----Original Message-----
From: KM
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 9:48 AM
To: Family
Subject: What is going on!!

This is nuts!
I can see the Pentagon on fire and smoking from my window here at work. And it's right by my apartment building.... like right by my apartment. It was a huge explosion.
Everybody here is terrified and simply frozen.
All of the phones lines are busy or down. So I can't call out. I've tried calling you guys.
But I'm here, fine, at work. Just really scared right now.
But I'm here.

-----Original Message-----
From: KM
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 10:00 AM
To: Family
SUBJECT: RE: What is going on!!
Latest news: All US planes have been grounded.
It's pretty chaotic right now here in DC right now. Everything is being evacuated.
We can leave work. But I'm staying right here for now.
You can try calling me, but it's highly unlikely that you'll
get through.

-----Original Message-----
From: KM
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 10:43 AM
To: Family
Subject: RE: What is going on!!
I'm talking to Marcie right now. She was lucky... this is the first day that she was teaching out in New York state. But her mom was in the World Trade Center, but she's fine. But no one can get out of the New York City and no one can get into New York City. Everything is in a lockdown.
I'm going to probably be staying with a friend you lives way out in Virginia tonight.
I will keep you updated.
I'm safe but just really freaked right. Trying to track down all my friends who work in and around DC and NYC.

-----Original Message-----
From: KM
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 11:12 AM
To: Family
Subject: RE: What is going on!!
I'm definitely staying out in Virginia tonight.
But right now, all major roads are like parking lots right now. So we don't know when we'll be able to get out.
So I have no choice but to stay right now. As soon as we can get out the city, I'm leaving and staying out in Vienna tonight. I'll call when I have the number of where I'm staying.
I'll also call when I know where Bill's at. Right now, it's impossible to find him and I have no idea if or when I'll hear from him.
Right now, all you is sirens outside and people walking across all the bridges out of DC. And all of the Capitol Hill area is closed. So we're re-routing everyone here at work you lives in and around the city.

-----Original Message-----
From: KM
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 11:44 AM
To: Family
Subject: RE: What is going on!!

They're closing our office tomorrow. So I will not be at work tomorrow. Again, I'm staying in Vienna, Virginia tonight with my friend Chrystal from work.

We're all leaving work whenever the traffic eases up. We're trying to stay near phones and TVs, where everyone knows where we're at if people need to get a hold of us.
All public transportation (eg, Metro) is closed. So the only way out of the city is by foot and by car (if you find open roads).

So that's the latest update.
I'll know more soon.

-----Original Message-----
From: KM
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 1:47 PM
To: Family
Subject: I'm getting the hell out of Dodge!!

I'm leaving work momentarily. Traffic is clearing a little.

I'm stopping by my apartment to pick up cloths and other necessities. Then I'm going to be staying at my friend Chrystal's apartment in Vienna, Virginia tonight and tomorrow. My apartment is simply too close to downtown and other important military stuff. I will call everyone tonight when I have Chrystal's phone number.

I will not be at work tomorrow, our office will be officially closed. So I will be nowhere near the city tomorrow as well.

You can still leave me messages at home or at work, as I will be checking my messages from Chrystal's.

It's very freaky and creepy around here right now. It's very surreal watching smoke and flames billowing out of the Pentagon from my windows here at work. There are F-16s, military helicopters and other military air craft all throughout the skies of DC, MD & VA. People are roaming the streets trying to get home, trying to make sense of this whole thing and waiting for the next shoe to drop. The entire city is being evacuated and everyone is just very scared right now. We all have connections to family and friends at the Pentagon and all over New York City, so we're all just crossing our fingers and praying a lot. But please let everyone know I'm fine, really scared, but safe and sound.

So I'm signing off from e-mail and work.

My love to all you guys.

September 11 Email: Date

September 11

September 11 Email: Subject

What is going on!!


“email315.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 5, 2024,