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September 11 Email: Body

> "Our Hero's"
>To: All the Hero's of our Nation
> Hero's are the brave and courageous people who are there
> for you in your time of need, and as our hero's were there in our
> time of need, we shall be there in theirs.
> We will never forget Sept,11,2001. The day that 911 was the
> emergency call that millions of people heard, seen, and wept together
> for as one big family. As we all watched in horror thousands of innocent
>lives die of a horrible death. We all felt like we lost someone from our
>family. Not gender, age, religion or race stood in the way of American's
>helping one another. Years from now, will we still be one big family? only
> time will tell.
> So many people either lost someone, or knew someone who lost
> We all cried the same tears, and as some are still in shock, others are
>denial. We keep on asking ourselves the same question over and over again,
> how could this have happened?, and when will the pain and fear go away?.
>I don't think life will ever be the same again, at least life as we knew it
>to be.
> We should all remember that our Hero's were there long before
>Sept,11,2001 and they will be there long after the clean up is done and
> with. As hard as it is for us to keep going on with our lives, our Hero's
> us that Life must go on. No matter how much it hurts us or tires us, Life
> must go on.
> There are so many ways that the people who cry each and every day
> since Sept,11,2001, could thank you. The courage that you show us, the
> pain in your face, the tears in your eyes, the non stopping of work, and
>danger that you have to see and work through each and every day. Some of
> us would love to go down there and lend a helping hand, a shoulder to cry
>on, or donate a lot of money. But for some of us, we can barely feed our
> So for all those who perished on Sept,11,2001, their families, those
>who continue to donate supplies needed in the search for our loved
>ones,our Military who are fighting for us, and those who never give up in
>search for our family and friends. Our Prayers are with you each and every
>day. You are all our Hero's, God Bless you all, and God Bless America.
>Julie Cano
>An American

September 11 Email: Date


September 11 Email: Subject

All the Hero's of our Nation


“email872.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 28, 2024,