September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

From a mailing list:

Sep 11, 2001 09:04 PDT
Tim's wife works in the Trade Center. I pray to God that she's alright. I can't get ahold of Tim.

Sep 11, 2001 09:09 PDT
Dear god ...

Sep 11, 2001 09:09 PDT
I've made a few calls and no dice(Normal and cell phone)... I sent a fax and email and have gotten no replies...

Sep 11, 2001 09:21 PDT
May God be with him and his family.

Sep 11, 2001 09:36 PDT
Thanks for the concern, guys. I'll send details soon. My wife works (make that worked) in the World Trade Center. She was late to work today. I was in Manhattan, too, but in midtown. After some frantic phone calls, I established she was OK and we met and are now at home. Thanks again.

Sep 11, 2001 10:17 PDT
I'm on a bus going across midtown, and my wife calls to tell me that she's arrived at the WTC and it's on fire. I suggested that she stick around and see if they clean things up promptly and maybe they'll let her into the building. I turned to tell the guy next to me that the WTC was on fire, and he told me that he saw a plane hit it. Then another guy on a cell phone announces that a second plane just hit the buildings. I just told me wife to stay there! So, I try to call her back but all the circuits are busy since everyone is using their cell phones. I finally get her on the phone. She's OK. So I we plan to rendevous at the ferry. I call my dad to update him. He tells me the building just collapsed. Jesus Christ. So again, it takes me like 30 minutes to get her on the phone. She was away from the area and unscathed. So far, she's been able to confirm that most of her friends and co-workers are OK, too. She saw people jumping from the building, though, so that's gotta suck. It's very odd looking at the Manhattan skyline and not seeing those two buildings..

September 11 Email: Date


September 11 Email: Subject

Mailing list excerpts


“email395.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed June 29, 2024,