September 11 Digital Archive






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LC Story: Story

I was at work. I work for the Army Reserve full time and I was visiting one of my reserve units in Oklahoma City, OK during that day.

LC Story: Memory

I remember at first thinking that it was some kind of comercial or satire, then it became all too real. I guess at first I was in shock wondering how this could have happened, then wondering how many more planes were in the air heading for targets. This event angered me, if they had an issue with the US Government, then they should have came after the military instead of being chickens and attacking helpless civilians. I was so proud of the civilians that forced the plane into the ground before it hit it's target. They were true patriots, someone I wish that I had here in my reserve unit. Since I am an Army Reserve Soldier and I was at an Army Reserve Facility, we quickly took steps to secure our facility, taking count of everyone in the facility and checking for unknown people. After we were secure I finally had time to contact my wife to make sure that she and my daughter were fine and to let her know that I was okay. We all had preparations to make in case we were needed, but we had all of the TVs on in the facility, keeping up on all possible information that was avaiable. I think that my strongest feelings from this event is anger that they were such chickens and pride in our people coming together and our country standing up to this attack.

LC Story: Affects

I think that it has strengthened this country and brought the people closer together than they ever have been, I can only hope that they never forget this event and that we are ALL AMERICANS. It has allowed the common person on the street to get a better understanding of what the uniformed services (firemen, policemen and the military) of this nation face every day. It showed them the dedication that our uniformed services have and live by. It has made me even more proud to be in the military serving to defend my country. I have spent time on active duty and now I am in the reserve, this year I will have been in the military for 25 years and I have no expectation of getting out, especially not now, while we have a job to finish.


“lc_story101.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 23, 2024,