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911DA Story: Story
I was already in school, Computer Science, kind of a drowsy 8:00 am class that drags on the morning, kind of your typical first class. We were all just sitting there, the whole class when someone in our class with spikey blonde hair who was late comes running in his eyes wide telling everyone that planes had crashed into the World Trade Center Towers, the Pentagon, and in Pennsylvania. Everyone kind of stopped everything they were doing, and it took a while for such an extreme thought to enter their heads. Everything I ever knew about planes, New York, the Pentagon, terroism, every factor involved converged into my first thoughts of; Oh my God, and We're Under Attack. Mr. Mokry, an old teacher who had been teaching at my school since 1969, whom I thought knew everything stayed calm. He asked him more details. These details entered into my head with the flood of fear and anxiety and disbelief. Picturing this was too hard. Soon, Mr. Mokry told us that we must go on with class unless notifyed by the Administrators. I could'nt think of anything else but the tradgedy, trying to picture such an event was beyond me. Finally, I reached my next class which had a TV on. The scope of the entire disaster hit me like a million voices screaming out. It was like I could feel the weight of fear of those two towers full of people. I just sat at my desk mesmerized. Dr. Veach, our principle got on the intercom and told everyone about the events, not going into detail, and trying to keep everything going as normal. Administrators came by and told us to turn off the TV's the teachers however kept most of them on in defiance, as well as radios. In each class, as the news progressed with more information, I became more and more horrifyed. I remember the thoughts mainly of "There are still more planes unaccounted for that may be potential threats." As well as "Oh my God, people are falling from the sky," as many people jumped out of the towers. I was watching sheer madness and chaos. All at once, the world which I knew to be safe became completley uncertain, and horrifying. As the day moved on, I felt more and more purpose. A deeper sense of mourning, as the President addressed everyone, and I started looking for what I could do to help. That was the most tumoltuous day of my life.
“story2988.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,