September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

It was a cold dark morning, it was just after 6 am and I had just fed my two cats and my dog. I noticed that the sky was filled with heavy dark clouds. I woke my 17 year old daughter to get up for school. I had turned on the TV to check what type of weather would happen today. I was making breakfast and my daughter was watching the TV. Suddenly my daughter Heather called to me, Hey Dad the World Trade Center is on Fire. I came into the living room and I looked at the TV in disbelief. I could see the one of the twin towers on fire burning. While I was watching what was happening I saw the second tower get hit by an aircraft. I watched in shock as the second tower exploded in a ball of flames. I was dumb struck when I saw this event happen. I saw it but I could not believe what I was seeing with my own eyes. In that beginning I felt strange the rest of the day. upon listening to the radio and hearing that another plane had hit the Pentagon and another had crashed in Pennsylvania. I went to work that morning and upon learning this was real and the entire world would be changed by this act. At the time we did not know whom would be responsible for this tradegy. I was informed at work that I had to leave and go home. I called my wife and my son in L.A. and my daughter and told them I was leaving work and going home and listen to the news.

For many weeks and months I was affected by this event and I must say it has changed my life. Knowing that in God plan this is a reality check. One never knows when their time will come, so we must all be prepared .


“story3217.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,