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911DA Story: Story
I was feeding my 21/2yr. old watching good morning america, my husbabnd was cutting the lawn, I changed the tv to sesame street for my daughter, when my mother in law called and said the wtc is on fire, we changed the channel to see the horrible image of this plane hitting the second tower...I ran outside to tell my husband who is a police officer in town the. Immediatly phone calls were made police on stand by, a very erie quiet was in the air.. Then we were watching the events when a women reported said she thought a building near them was falling......All we saw was smoke, and no building. After about 2hrs i drove out to carlstadt nj where I video, and took pictures of the horrible images I was seeing...I will never forget seeing that and being 4mos pregnant, wondering what is going on in this world??? For the next week the horror of the victims started to hit home. One close friend neighbor hitch hiked home all the way from the wtc, people just looking at his image of completly full of soot and knew where he came from drove him home to his family...he was an engineer for Port Authority..Another mother in town lost her husband. It was really amazing to see the communtiy together for the victims and also the workers... I as with others always say this was devasting news to the world but being from this area is soooo devasting its an every day healing process...Also I find interesting is you can tell a New yorker, New Jersey person by thier reaction to a plane flying overhead, I am sure you wont find such a erieness to that except in this area...
“story825.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,