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911DA Story: Story
Q: How did you witness history on September 11th? Share your experience.
A: "I was in a meeting, and I took breaks from the meeting and followed it on the radio or the internet."
Q: Has your life changed because of September 11th, 2001? If so tell us how.
A: "Business has suffered. Ummm..., let's see, I have spent a lot of time watching T.V., and learning about people's lives that were affected."
Q: What do you think should be remembered about September 11th?
A: "...That's a tough question... I guess the lives of the people that died."
Q: Did you fly an American Flag after the events of September 11th? Have your feelings about the American flag changed as a result of September 11th?
A: "No and no."
A: "I was in a meeting, and I took breaks from the meeting and followed it on the radio or the internet."
Q: Has your life changed because of September 11th, 2001? If so tell us how.
A: "Business has suffered. Ummm..., let's see, I have spent a lot of time watching T.V., and learning about people's lives that were affected."
Q: What do you think should be remembered about September 11th?
A: "...That's a tough question... I guess the lives of the people that died."
Q: Did you fly an American Flag after the events of September 11th? Have your feelings about the American flag changed as a result of September 11th?
A: "No and no."
“story8850.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,