September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

the day started as usual until the boss came to say a plane hit the world trade center. of course we thought it was one of his jokes, but as he pulled a few of us to the tv in his office so we could see, the terror still runs through me even now. as the day procceded we couldn't work too well due to wonder if's. we all knelt in prayer for the families and the whereabouts of our fellow americans. the horror and premeditated plan of such an act caught some of us off guard, in the corner crying for the famlies and our own family members that worked north. my daughter, crystal, worked through the pentagon with a civilian company, and when the plane landed there i called and NO answer. i called her then boyfriend, jeremy, and asked where she was, because he was working as a pipefitter at the dc convention center. he said she was a surviver and she'd be fine. such confidence in his love and my daughter who had the miltary influence as she grew up from her father and i, both coast guard. 6 hours later i recieved the call that she was stuck in traffic and when the plane hit the pentagon she was on the other side of the building. other members of the shipyard had the same predicument. but the ones who did loose a loved one the haeling took a long time. we always think that our country is untouchable because of our techniques and abilities but, look we were caught even if some one knew but couldn't pinpoint. it's hard to believe that we help the world so why do they want to destroy, we all have to adapt to any enviorment and culture. as we listened to pieces to slowly solve this horror act we hope that it or any horrorable act can be dissolved. we still need peace. we can resolve any problem. we teach our kids to solve why can't it continue as adults? we all did leave the playground years ago.


“story5473.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,