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911DA Story: Story
I work for a Transit Company which transports the disabled, handicapped and the elderly to and from appointments Etc. On September 11, 2001 I was in my vehcile waiting for another ride and talking to my girlfriend when the first plane hit. Of course being from Minnesota I had no way of knowing what the weather conditions were in New York so I figured someone really messed up a flight plan. When the second plane hit I knew instinctively something was really wrong. Not until the Petagon was hit did it sink in that we might be at war and all thoughts went to how to protect my loved ones and where is this going to lead. I am a Viet Nam Vet and I was ready to do anything again for this Country.
I became very solemn and quiet around 11am and I remember my last two passengers that day as if it were yesterday. They were man and wife and both physically and mentally challenged. The wife was sobbing and asking her husband what was going to happen to them. She was very scared. Her husband did his best to console her and I'll never forget those two people and the feeling we all had about what was going to happen to us and this Beautiful Country we live in.
I clocked out at about 1pm and, like the rest of the country, I went home and was horrified at what I saw on the TV. There were no tears yet, but they came later. I have three children and my girlfiend has two children and on Friday night we lit candles for all of them and let them burn through the night. We held each other and cried and cried and cried. As I sit and write this I know those candles were not only for our Children, but for all the Children and Mothers and Fathers lost in the raids of 9/11.
For all the families who lost loved ones on 9/11 I want say you have my deepest sympathy. To all the those whos helped in the aftemath I want to say THANK YOU!!!
I became very solemn and quiet around 11am and I remember my last two passengers that day as if it were yesterday. They were man and wife and both physically and mentally challenged. The wife was sobbing and asking her husband what was going to happen to them. She was very scared. Her husband did his best to console her and I'll never forget those two people and the feeling we all had about what was going to happen to us and this Beautiful Country we live in.
I clocked out at about 1pm and, like the rest of the country, I went home and was horrified at what I saw on the TV. There were no tears yet, but they came later. I have three children and my girlfiend has two children and on Friday night we lit candles for all of them and let them burn through the night. We held each other and cried and cried and cried. As I sit and write this I know those candles were not only for our Children, but for all the Children and Mothers and Fathers lost in the raids of 9/11.
For all the families who lost loved ones on 9/11 I want say you have my deepest sympathy. To all the those whos helped in the aftemath I want to say THANK YOU!!!
“story7587.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,