September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

Well that morning i guess i had a 9 am class at George Mason University and i fell into my usual morning routine and everything was normal until i was halfway to school when i saw 7 or 8 fire trucks go flying by in the other lane heading twoards the beltway. I thought this was odd at first so i decide to turn to thee radio to see if i could get some info on what just happened. "The Pentagon has just been hit". At first I had no clue what was going on and i thought it was a joke or something, so i changed the channel and it was same thing. So then i began to learn what what was happening. When I arrived at campuse it was madness. People were running all over and were crying it was madness. For me this was so interesting because i was shocked but i wasnt horrafied like most people i guess because i just always figure shit happens. I finaly got to class and my profesor began to explain what was happening and it was truely insane how they pulled this off. So class was pretty much cancled so i went home and turned into the tv and watched and saw the replays and everything. And then the towers fell and this was a crazy image. That was like the whole world was going down with it. To see the faces of the people running for there lives cannot reven be described. IT was crazy. The whole thing was crazy and it changed everyones world.


“story121.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,