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911DA Story: Story
I was at work when my mother called, telling me that a plane had hit one of the twin towers. I told everyone at work and just then we started to hear it on the radio. My mom called again and said the other one was hit, I started to cry right there. Luckily my boss had a 3" black & white TV that we hooked up and we were able to keep up with the events. I couldn't drag myself away...we all practicully stopped working and watched. Our customers would come in with another story of what they heard. I remember calling my husband at work and asking him to get in touch with his mom to see if his cousin was OK. She had been involved in the first bombing years ago. Luckily she was OK, she had transfered. But her sister was not heard from who worked in the towers. I got home and my 11 year old son asked if I knew what happened, he had watched it on TV in his class. His teacher thought it was very important for them to see. He was very angry. Later we found out that Jean was safe, she was walking up the steps when people were yelling and running toward her to get out. It's changed her life. I cried for about a week straight I think. As many people did. I felt helpless, angry, sad. How could this happen to us!? Why?! I was always proud to be an American, but it means so much now. This is the greatest country in the world. They united us even more..strength in numbers!! God Bless America!!!
“story5523.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,