September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

On 9/11 a shock of horror struck around the world when airplanes were hijacked and used as bombs. Members of the Taliban took planes and flew one each into each of the Twin Towers in New York. In the same day another plane was flown into the pentagon. Also on this day another plane was headed for a destination unknown but was taken down by some vary brave passengers in Summer Set County. Ever since then America and the rest of the world has been on an elevated alert.

This tragedy has affected me and my family a lot. Everyday you can?t stop wondering if something else is going to happen, we know the security has improved and the skies are being watched but paranoia of another attack isn?t leaving, specially since we live so close to a nuclear power plant. We worry everyday and it irritates my family. It?s kind of hard to vacation and relax since we can?t really forget. We all want to just act like it has never happen but the news isn?t helping? Wasn?t America?s whole idea to Forget and move on??? You would think we could if the media wasn?t constantly reminding us of what happened and that new threats are coming in by the hour.

This horrible incident has also affected my generation and friends in different ways. We are all very sad about what happened but know we can?t do much, just the thought of being killed in one of these attacks scares us. And being so young we can?t exactly feel the full affect of this tragedy and don?t understand why it hasn?t ended yet. We all want it to end so we can get back to our normal ways of life and not having this dark and evil shadow cast over us.
Even though I am still young, I can tell that America can be affected and changed by this forever. I don?t think that after this we will ever be back down on a very low alert since the terrorist will attack whenever we go back down since there?ll be informed. Even if we do go back down all Americans are going to be forever scared since this was the only attack on America in America. And with all of these problems Americans are going to have a hard time having fun, we can?t get on a plane without thinking of horrible ideas that could happen, you can?t go places and see people who resemble Taliban members and not think bad things about them even if we don?t want to, bad thoughts always come into our head.
So with all of these thought I am almost positive America will be changed forever until all terrorism is dead.


“story6549.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,