September 11 Digital Archive

Re: [MAPC-policy] resolution update


Re: [MAPC-policy] resolution update



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September 11 Email: Body

hi X. and all,

Thanks for all your work on this!  To clarify - who exactly have you been
talking to and do you have any sense for how representative their views are
(at least for the progressive caucus)?  I realize that you'll know all that
better after Thurs night.

Ideally, I guess I'd like to see the "stronger" resolution introduced as a
communication and have the "weaker" one be introduced by one or (hopefully)
more progressive alders.  If that's not going to happen - and it sounds
unlikely from what you've sent - I think we need to pressure the alders
we've been talking to to introduce the "weaker" one before T'ksgiving.  I
have to say I'm really disappointed that they're hesitant to do anything
before T'ksgiving.  After all, the reality we're addressing is an impending
massive humanitarian crisis.  Jeeeeeeezus.  THEY need a breather????

I don't know anything about resolutions introduced as a communication w/out
any alder sponsors, but it seems to me that doing that with our "weaker",
more likely to pass resolution will flag it as unacceptable to the council.
If I were a middle of the road alder and saw that none of the PD alders had
signed on, I sure as heck wouldn't vote for it.  (But I think it'd be fine
to introduce the "stronger" one like that, if we do still decide to
introduce it.)

So, I guess - with the current info we have - I feel ambivalent about the
"stronger" resolution.  If it will help the "weaker" one pass to introduce
it - by communication or by an alder - then I say we go for it.  But the
people we need to talk to for this analysis are the PD alders who are
balking at the "weaker" one.

I strongly feel that we should have SOMETHING - preferably the "weaker" one
unchanged from where we left it (or at least not substantially changed)
voted on by Nov 20.  I feel the broader MAPC would agree with this -
remember, at the last meeting the 1st vote was unanimous support for us
bringing SOMETHING to the council (with a sense of urgency regarding the
imminent starvation of millions), and the 2nd was in support of the
2-pronged strategy.  If we have more info now that the 2-pronged strategy
won't work, the directive from the 1st vote still stands.

That's my rambling input for now.


> Hi Everyone,
> The progressive caucus thought they would be ready to act on something
> AFTER Thanksgiving.  Apparently changing "prayers" to "sympathies" was
> divisive last time, so they needed a breather.
> I still haven't gotten the in-depth feedback on this--Thursday night I
> should.  X has been appointed to do this for me.
> X suggested we intro the whole text as a "communication" (no
> alder's name attached).  That could be done BEFORE Thanksgiving.
> My first step though will be to call X, to make sure I am
> acting on her excellent strategy advice.
> I'd like the Policy Committee's input on something though.  How far do we
> pursue the two-pronged approach?  What I'm hearing from the progressive
> alders is that they don't want something too "divisive" (presumably to
> own caucus?), which means they want to back the weakest thing we've
> presented them with.  If we are going to introduce one final text "as a
> communication" I definitely need the Policy Committee's OK on what that
> final text should be.
> OK, I'll get back to you when I know more.
> Sorry about all the e-mail.
> --X
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East Timor Action Network field organizer   ETAN field office
X Social Justice Center
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home XXX-XXX-XXXX                          fax 608-227-0141

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the East Timor Action Network/US
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Madison's Social Justice Center

"We struggled for more than 24 years for independence. We've learned the
lesson that even small people have a voice."
    -East Timorese leader Mari Alkatiri, during the August 30, 2001
Constituent Assembly vote


September 11 Email: Date

Wednesday, November 07, 2001 10:32 AM

September 11 Email: Subject

Re: [MAPC-policy] resolution update


“Re: [MAPC-policy] resolution update,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 16, 2025,