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TomPaine Story: Story

What Can We Learn Here

Not everyone is buying this Everlasting War on
Terrorism"". This Administration's Oil Industry
dominated, war mongering foreign policy is turning
America into the biggest rogue nation of all. National
Guard Air Defense Facilities were ignored on 9/11
although it was standard procedure and would have
successfully intercepted the planes before the big
show. This ignoring of Bases included a transparent
cover up of the existence of Andrews Air Force Base
less than 10 miles from the Capital.
It has become clear that Bin Laden was and is, a
product of the CIA's most expensive covert operation
involving Islamic extremists. While 1000's of
uncharged wrong skinned immigrants are being arrested
and jailed, members of the Bin Laden family, (two of
which were under FBI investigation) are allowed to
charter a flight back to Saudi Arabia with warm
regards. Then they dump more money into the run amok
CIA coup-plotting agency after their 9 billion-dollar
9/11 blowback.
The freedoms and way of life weve held dear for so
long are in great danger, and not from any terrorists
half a world away. Evidence exists that this
Administration was threatening the Taliban with war in
August and warning other countries of an October
invasion back in July. It is a classic diversion that
we are being forced to look for the culprits of this
enormous crime on the other side of the world. The
weight of complicity, just in the fact that the
President does nothing, (not even appear to care), for
over 30 minutes after we were in a National Emergency
remains unforgivably conspicuous. The holes in the
official story are big enough to fly a plane through.
I dont want a military coup in my country. Thats
just too much like Pakistan.


“tp224.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 7, 2024,