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TomPaine Story: Story


06:24pm Sep 5, 2002 EDT

In the Cold War the US exploited the ""rights"" then abandoned the responsibilities inherent with exploiting the rights afforded a superpower state. One of those exploitable ""rights"" is being able to employ a pre-emptive defense doctrine with ambiguous justification and accountability, unchallengable impunity. With few exceptions, the Americas are led by ideologically homogenized militarists maturing off of the cultures and lands rendered wastes under Corporate US anti-communism rabies-like infections by unquenchable parasites of an incorrigibly corrupt, unfathomably greedy, hopelessly myopic, steadfastly self-righteous, deity-invoking phenomena euphemistically called ""american capitalism"".

Regarding internationally related affairs for more than a century and a half, the U.S. Department of State has been be the appropriate office for ""Homeland"" security...until the State Department was compromised by pro-Zioniztz (aka zionazi) faction of Zionist ideologues forcing the anomaly Ersatz Israel Palestine down the throat of the MiddleEast to the bowels of governments of, by and for Corporate US bankers, financial markets, entrenched global wealth and bogus morality; bowels falsely presumed for far too long by many in the United States to be not only fundamentally beneficial to, but irreplacable, integral to the health, welfare and future of the peoples of the world.

Now that a United States' homeland security derived from a common sense, far-sighted, sustainable, trustworthy and accountable foreign policy is most needed, US attempts (via the US Attorney General) to compensate for the loss of U.S. State Dept-derived homeland security; a loss directly attributable to decades of an immoral US foreign policy being imposed upon the world most consistently adverse to the peoples (but for elitists comparable to US elites) of the MiddleEast, Africa, South America, and Asian Pacific. In spite of such unprecedented squandering of resources, denial and deceit Corporate USrael mongers for more war to keep themselves in power...hollowly residing on self-made laurels collected through more than half a century of (many economic-, military-, political-puppet; next to zero social, democratic, enviromental peoples-focused) battlefield ""successes"" to make the world safe for and yielding to militant Corporate America hegemony and Jewish nationalism in Palestine.

Instead of the United States being able to enjoy a homeland security earned by a homeland's foreign policy reflecting an internationalist's humanitarian nature, the United States suffers a homeland insecurity deserved by a nationalist's militant, self-centered actions thrust hegemonically over Earth's resources, peoples, environment and future.

The peoples' of the United States security cannot result from our becoming a more efficient, thorough police state via the U.S. Dept of Justice Attorney General, or via a ""Department of Homeland Security"". The peoples' of the United States security ultimately rests on the peoples of the United States embracing, upholding egalitarian ideals, domestic and international justice, and transparent economic and political endeavors and goals.



04:24am Jun 18, 2002 EDT

""...unless thoughtful and virtuous humans become assertive and insist on positive and helpful changes in the future.""

I have heard rumors of 'thoughtful and virtuous humans' who are afraid to be more assertive than to insist on just being left alone...and am not sure they should feel any sense of a need for themselves to be politically assertive more than once every two years. There seems to be unpalatable costs for one's being politically assertive in the ropes of Corporatized America...assertive in a getalong goalong way...sure plenty of that...but to be assertive for change? ...change what? change the corporatist economy to communist? change Israel in America? Israel in Palestine? change more Zionism for less peace? change more debt for more capitalism? I dunno...what is there to change that has not officially declared war upon all that tries to change it? Is it stupid or courageous to be assertive against a mindset which has declared war upon, or at the least condemns as treasonous, all who blatantly assert points contrary to that mindset's stated interests and visions? Even if such individual assertion is survivably courageous, when two or more such courageous souls join in communion of assertion they can be seen, by the aforementioned mindset at war, to be conspiring against ""order and law"". In times of relative peace, law and order, and prosperity, who is listening to assertions for change? In times of war and ever-growing debt who dares listen to or contemplate others' assertions for change except that such change be for stricter law and more order? Some do dare, for sure, but it is about as contagious as pierced navels. ****


08:49pm Jun 16, 2002 EDT

""Can the FBI and the Central Intelligence Agency be transformed into effective counter-terrorism agencies? Will the bureaucratic reorganization accomplish its stated goals? ""

When US foreign policy out of the US Congress is like the self-righteous arrogant nature of a ship captain who orders his 'unsinkable' full speed ahead through a sea of icebergs, the U.S. intelligence agencies can reorganize and transform to appease every Congressional and Presidential whim, but, such efforts by the intelligence agencies to protect the 'unsinkable' from the consequences of leadership by the shortsighted and arrogant on board the vessel are little more than entertainment for guests and crew prior to catastophic collisions.



08:52pm Jun 16, 2002 EDT

..Sitting In My Chair Snickering At More Dire Perdictions (while reading 6/16/02 8:49pm).""

It is not a permanent incapacitation of the american spirit for States within the United States to be gleeful guests/subjects/crew/taxpayers of the UNsinkable uss US without considering dangers when US foreign policy out of the US Congress is like the self-righteous arrogant nature of a ship captain who orders his 'unsinkable' full speed ahead through a sea of icebergs. Pets have a way of sensing immediate danger and they can only be reassured by their owners' pretenses of security through a limited amount of ""failure""s before they become wary of their master's judgement, guidance and senses.

If U.S. intelligence agencies can reorganize and transform to appease every Congressional and Presidential whim, such efforts, by U.S. intelligence agencies, to protect the 'unsinkable' from consequences of leadership by deceit --ie, not enough lifeboats for all aboard, , myopia --of the ostrich-eyes-in-bunker variety, and arrogance -- of Holy Roman Empire pungency, style and god, on board the uss US are little more than condiments on a dessert dish for guests and crew prior to catastophic collision(s).

""Or, is 'dire prediction' a threat?""

When such dire predictions reached my tender ears they seemed threatening to me, but then probably a lot less so threatening than to many others aboard the uss US since I have neglible amount of gold to fill my pockets before parting from the uss US.

""If a threat, perhaps someone should check you out.""

In a sea of 'icebergs' where i generally feel to be a mere half-icecube worth of concern to the uss US, perhaps my half-icecube is viewed to be within ""the zone of 'Evil'"" focus by USs' government from bunkers, B-2s and corporate suites. Maybe if the costs of my personal economic security blanket meant that i paid a lot of federal taxes then i would protest the US government wasting my taxmonies to monitor me, were they to deem monitoring my drivel appropriate and necessary. If our government begins going beyond monitoring individual icecubes which are unfit for its martini then i would protest most passionately...through prayer perhaps, though most certainly not here in this or any other public forum, except perhaps running for public office in the U.S. ... they don't kill horses/runners/candidates do they?

""Perhaps it isn't the cause that drives wackos, but perhaps there are wackos looking for a cause to justify their hate and anger.""

Pre-9/11, was there hate and anger in the US of A landscape sanctioned and promoted by the US government? Post-9/11 is there signifigantly more such well orchestrated hate and anger? Less? About the same?

When a society's dominant theme is 'Defense', ""Hate and Anger"" can be the tune of all who revel in the notes of the orchestra. Are all the revelers expected to dance alike? Have the same 'enemy'? Shoot the same direction?



07:49pm Jun 15, 2002 EDT

""Bad news, bud. The Holy Roman Empire was not invented in the 1500s by Spain.""

I see that the abbreviated text which I quoted may be read as if to suggest that the Holy Roman Empire began in the 16th Century, which of course is not so, but your clarification fixes that... if I had inserted a colon to the copied text (such as= The Holy Roman Empire : In 1516 ...) that would have made the excerpt a little less ambiguous.

The point of lighting an analogy between today's US holy empire with its empire/conquistidor equivalents and Spain's Charles 1 ( his predecessors and peers) then Charles 5 of HRE and that era's conquistadors is an attempt to show that ""The Terrors, aka USCA, USs' Corporate America, United States' Corporate America are the successors to the throne imagined by the Holy Roman Emperors and their bad ax Conquistidors..."" is a fact which can only be graffitied to appear frivolous by spraying with footnotes (whether by that statement's author or by others. If, on its face, that statement is not a fact then another observor than I, that statements author, should dispute or flatly deny that there IS an unbroken chain of deceit, injustice, conquest, oppression>expropration>abandonment, disenfranchisement, Western ""happiness"" to sustain Western ""civilization"" (US Cheneybushs' corporate America and friends, inc & esp. Ltd.).



02:29am Jun 15, 2002 EDT

' ""mass murderers are mass murderers"" The greatest mass murderers and war criminals I know of are the Western nations. Including Americans. '

The Terrors, aka USCA, USs' Corporate America, United States' Corporate America are the successors to the throne imagined by the Holy Roman Emperors and their bad ax Conquistidors. Who over-empired the bad ax European empires but more European bad axes? The baddest ax on the block for recent past centuries has been the USs of the U.S. East Coast, the unrepentently proud, effectively unpunishable US of A, materially glorious and thus unquestionably --at least to the USs'-- blessed by the One.

""So, the US is evil and for some reason the East Coast of the US is extra super specially evil?""

So you acknowledge the US is not U.S. , the United States, or are you suggesting that the U.S. may, like USs, be deemed to be evil by those who --similarily to USs' perceived world of a universal spectrum of catholic-judeo ""good and evil"")-- perceive that ""for some reason the East Coast of the US is extra super specially evil?""

""...war is high risks, high stakes..all should pray for good judgment on the part of the commanders""

I think I will pray for good luck, expecting better results from luck than that which may or may not follow from ""good judgment on the part of the commanders"" in their war on anti-zionism, war on anti-US hegemonism.

""To all of you who feel compelled to belittle, slander and defame those whose religious practices differ from yours...""

If one people's killing of another people is a righteous practice of colonialistic, hegemonic maintenace -when not expansion- then one is incapable of ever slandering or belittling such a religion...2000 years of judeo-catholic righteous killings in the the name of economic empires of European origin

""what choice do we have but to pull together and back our government?""

We should let ""our goverment"" wage war to maintain USCA, USs' Corporate America, hegemone and promote and arm Zionism at whatever costs to the United States...without even thinking a word of dissent? Is that what US patriotism is now?

""Excuse my foggy old brain, but what the hell did the Holy Roman Empire have to do with the Conquistadors?""

From page 9 of my fourth grader's library book:

"" The Holy Roman Empire In 1516...throne of Spain as Charles I ...about the same age as (Hernando) deSoto...(Charles 1) becomes (Charles 5) emperor of Holy Roman Empire...challenges and demands for wealth for the wars of the European empire ...What the conquistadors practiced in the New World , they learned in the Old World of Europe...The emperors also wanted to be recognized by the pope, so they added the name 'Holy' . ""

Hernando de Soto, by Ruth Manning , Reed Educational and Professional Publishing, Heinemann Library, 2001.



07:26pm Jun 13, 2002 EDT

""The Bush administration is trying to lean on and laugh off our elected officials who demand answers. We're not laughing. Our Defense Department failed to protect its home, the Pentagon itself. We cannot afford secrecy over security. To prevent future terrorist attacks, we must understand what went wrong leading up to 9/11.""

That the ""Bush administration is trying to lean on and laugh off our elected officials --'The congresswoman (McKinney) must be running for the hall of fame of the Grassy Knoll Society.'-- who demand answers"" is an understatement to the degree that the US is selling (literally, with Congressional districts' arms and tech war profiteers) to and imposing upon the world its never ending ""War on Terror"". Corporate America, riding on the shoulders of the United Staes Goverment and its taxpayers, was fundamentally terrorized by the ideology of communism because there is no safe haven for American-style East Coast US corporate capitalism in communism. By repeating the mantra ""Communism is Dead"" the Cheneyite Rumfields of the world want themselves to go down in history, if present delusions prevail, the guarantors of ""freedom and democracy""... as if there were situations where true freedom and true democracy are not one and the same in the human commune that is humanity. As if true freedom/democracy were not at the core of true communism.

The real terror to US Corporate America capitalism (aka debtism) is truth. The US Corporate America hegemone (USCA, which includes the vast majority of the USs' Congress, Executive and Judicial) is at war with all that threatens it except for that fatal flaw upon which it derives its life sustenance...a U.S. (present and planned for many futures to come) taxpayer funded, ethically and morally corrupt debt game that mortally infects every materially greedy, paranoid, insecure hegemone Earth has borne.

""We're not laughing.""

You and i, and few others may not be laughing but it seems that the media-driven polls are saying that at least 3/4 of the U.S. populace is laughing with Ariel Fleischer and Dublya Bush.

""We cannot afford secrecy over security.""

The US Congress just upped the federal debt ceiling by 10% ... did anyone ever really believe that corporate america was ever going to allow the US debt to be paid down? Airlines, insurance companies, banks need relief$, $upport and $ecurity...not reality. $450 billion more U.S. taxpayer serviced debt will buy a modest amount of security and justice (secrecy) for USCA. The US Government ""democracy"" has deemed that present and future U.S. taxpayers can well afford corporate, military and government secrecy and, as well, afford the security they all need to globally operate with relative impunity.

""To prevent future terrorist attacks, we must understand what went wrong leading up to 9/11.""

The ""what went wrong"" is less an event than a phenomenon. The wrong-headedness of US foreign policy married to the insatiably greedy and corrupt nature of a global economy whose master is United States' Corporate America is all the terror that needs to be acknowledged...most all terror that befalls the US is a consequence of perceived and real USCA terror perpetrated upon those peoples of the world not of the USCA and allies.



02:16pm Apr 2, 2002 EST

""So why has our quality of life become so rare?""

Is not an answer seen in the range of that which you related in your post about ""quality""? You begin with ""the person on the street""...where I live anyone on the street better be in a car or his life is in peril. A person, from within the relatively safe confines of even a 'high quality' car, on the street is experiencing a pretty limited spectrum of Life, if indeed the experience is really something much more than an experience of a lifeless mobile objects (auto parts) and human shaped materials (smooth concrete or asphalt) which is not Life yet are consuming something which was life but is now dead (fossil deposits).

For many of us 'moderns' today the ""quality of life"" has next to nothing to do with the diverse richness of what Life other than humans is before us, rather as you exemplify, our quality of life is related to our freedom to choose our favorites from amongst the seemingly limitless diversity of detergents, bar soaps, toothpastes, underwears, airlines, autos, porn, aspirin, movies and so forth. Our religion is consumerism. Today, ""life"" is not what permits one to expand one's sense of and ability for being a meaningful, contributing organism to any overall equation of purposeful existence, so much as ""life"" is a static regimen...a systemized course of ""living"",,,pursuing the fleeting joys of shamelessly addictive consumerism while paying taxes to purchase the freedom to maintain the addiction.

When ""quality"" is used, as you have, in the context of primarily being a distinguishing element or characteristic of things, objects and images of strictly human nature what should be ""rare"" is any generalization that such ""quality"" has anything to do with the quality of Life as a whole except insomuch as it serves a human's consumerist interests.



12:24am Jan 30, 2002 EST

US State of the Union Address 2oo2AD:

"" Jobs! "" again... At least for those who can pass urine tests, security clearances in the military/industrial/financial markets complex.

"" Jobs! "" again... 'hey hoffa let's plunder ANWAR while we're annihilating Iraq.'

"" Jobs! "" again... tax breaks for corporate america so they can at least have some pretense of security until the next corporate welfare package.

"" ...allow private investment accounts of Social Security... "" sure gW, let the gullible american public use Social Security funds to provide the ballast for the perpetuation of the parasitism of the financial markets of american capitalism

""a new culture of responsibility"" ... when in gW's lifetime did he perform community service that wasn't directly related to his aspirations for political office?

"" ...Evil must be opposed... "" and ""...corporate america and america's right-wing will save the world, dispensing justice and freedom when and as US sees fit."" gW speech writers could have added.



09:23pm Jan 29, 2002 EST

""Tell us your views on current political issues in the news.""

I believe that the United States' is being drawn into a militarized republican democracy's corporatist, fascistic delusions of grandeur and I fully expect that President Bush Jr's State of the Union Address tonight will provide ample evidence of such delusions:

1) delusions that the people of the United States will irrevocably sacrifice their personal rights while being led by force of arms and technology on a crusade-without-end to preserve nationUSt, zionist dreams of ending popular struggles against the oppressions of militant UShegemonism , militant Zionism.

2) delusions that the Bush Administration will, like Reagan, be yearly granted chunks of tommorrow's wealth to spend for the US's 'pursuit of happiness' today.

3)delusions that corporate america (of the US economy's 80% service and finance sector, not of the 20% manufacturing and farming sector) is, as a whole, close to being as valuable as the preposterously inflated values of such ""holdings"" by creditors might suggest. ****


“tp24.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 7, 2024,