September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

I woke up and turned on the news and was in total disbelief. I went into the house and my family had yet viewed what was going on, I stayed glued to the tv all day long crying. At age 27 this was the first time that terrorism seemed real, I think people of my generation had never really knew the magnitude of acts of war and the pain and suffering that it would cause. I think for everyone Sept 11th made us all re-evualate what was important in life . In April of 2001 I was able to visit NY for the first time ever and was overwhelmed by the images of where the towers stood.
I pray that we never forget how our lives were changed that day and that the peeople who lost loved ones that day continue to embrace life with the courage and strength their loved ones did that day. Each and everyday you mkae us all proud by continuing to share with us your stories of the incredible angels you were able to share your lives with if only for a brief time. People always say god never gives us more then we can handle and at times what he gives us seems to be overwhelming but together we can overcome any challenge and we must continue to pray for the world and peace and not judge others for their sins but love each other because we only have one chance in this world to do it right so let us live our lives to the fullist and cherish each and every day for all those that have left us and for all those that continue to make the world a better place for us each and every day. Your angels are always with you :O)


“story3466.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,