September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

I was walking to my third period class, science and i saw my teacher and a crowd of atleast 5 other students watching the TV. It was CNN or channel 4 or something. All i saw was the twin towers both in flames. The night before I was at the Yankees game and i said to myself, "I saw those buildings last night." I was very confused and didnt know what happened. I was asking people around me they didnt really know either. Then i saw on the bottom of the TV screen it said "Highjacked Plane flies into each trade center building" I was amazed. The teacher turned off the TV and it didnt seem to be as big a deal. We had class just like any other, as I walked to 4th period their was word in the halls of the crisis. Then I heard in 4th period that the teachers were not alowed to turn on the TV's. Finally in 5th period with no knowledge of what was going on, i was called to the office to go home. I was nervous whne i was called to the office because on the way i saw many students crying. Finally my mom gave me the whole story on the car ride home. I saw the pictures ofthe bilding collapsing on TV. I was in shock. From there i just moarned and wne t on with life.

NMAH Story: Life Changed

Im sure it has changed, but it doesnt seem like it has changed in too many ways. It has made me relize the the little probems in life dont compare to this day.

NMAH Story: Remembered

On September 11th the people who were lost and the fireman should be remebered, and of course the buildings as well.

NMAH Story: Flag

Yes the American flag now holds great importance to me.


“nmah3567.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 17, 2025,