September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

I can't say that I live in New York or have ever been there. But I don't think on that day it really made a difference. I live in a small town in Georgia. I work for the Mayor's office at City Hall. I will never forget that day. I am the administrative assistant and I am usually the one who answers the phone. My mother in law called to tell me that a plane had hit one of the twin towers. She didn't know if it was just a TV hoax or if it was for real. As she was telling me and we were talking she screamed and said oh my god another plane has just hit the second building. I ask her if she was serious and if she was sure of what was going on. She said yes she was certain and for my office to find a TV and tune in quick. Our whole office piled in the City Manager's office as we watched in horror as the towers came crashing down. I just remember the emotion we all felt. I remember one lady I work with hanging her head and running out of the office in tears while another lady waited to hear from her sister in law who is in the secret service. But on the positive side it was so nice to see our community come together like it did. We had strangers calling us just to make sure that we were okay and to make sure we had heard the news and just to send there support to us. Our small town rallied together to have a blood drive and a memorial service. Unlike some stories I have heard I think that feeling of unity still remains in our town. But like so many others I can't bear to turn my TV on today and watch the horrific even again. Tonight my family will attend a memorial service at our church to remember and be thankful to still all be alive and together.

NMAH Story: Life Changed

NMAH Story: Remembered

NMAH Story: Flag

Yes I flew my flag after the events of 9-11 and I still continue to fly my flag proudly at my home, job and yes in my vehicle.


“nmah3869.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 18, 2025,