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NMAH Story: Story
I was at home and turned on the t.v. at 8:45 a.m. I saw the newscast with the smoke coming from the tower. At that time the announcers were not sure if it was just a fire or what. Almost immediately the second tower was hit by an airplane. I watched and listened in horror at this sight as the newscasters and folks nationwide did the same. I called my husband at work to tell him.
NMAH Story: Life Changed
On September 11, I was at home recovering from cancer surgery. On July 31, I had my left lung removed and had struggled to recover physically and emotionally from the diagnosis and surgery. In the days to come I realized that even though I had cancer, I was still here, and there were hundreds of my earthly sisters and brothers who would never get a moment to contemplate their existence. It helped me put my diagnosis in perspective - that I should just take care of each day to the best of my ability and continue to be a loving, compassionate member of my family and society for whatever precious time I should have left on earth.
NMAH Story: Remembered
I think Americans should continue to uphold the tremendous value we place on human life and give our strongest voice and support to our leaders who value and protect the life and welfare of all Americans, as well as the land we hold so dear - the United States of America.
NMAH Story: Flag
I put every printed flag copy I could find in my home windows and every pennant flag I had in my vehicle. This Fourth of July, as we celebrated with family, I looked out my kitchen window as my husband raised our flag, and it seemed my soul would explode with pride, and I felt the tears fill my eyes at the sheer beauty of this beautiful flag blowing in the breeze.
“nmah4382.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 19, 2025, https://911digitalarchive.org/items/show/47672.