September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

I had a doctor appointment so I didn't go to work that day. I woke up to the images of the towers buring on TV. (When my husband left for work that morning, I had gone out to sleep on the couch with The Today Show on - I actually had quite a disturbing dream right before I woke up - later, it almost seemed like a premonition). I called my Mom first and then my husband, and they hadn't heard about it yet as the 2nd plane had just hit. I called my friend in NJ and woke her up. I called my friend who's boyfriend was going to school about 3 blocks from the towers and she hadn't heard from him yet. I was more worried than she was about him - she is much calmer than me. He was finally able to get through to her about 1pm our time. He had been near the towers when the first one fell, and he had been covered with the debris. I watched TV until I had to go to the doctor. After the doctor, I called my work and found out they were closing due to the fact that they were considered a terrorist target (The Mall of America). So I went back home and was glued to the TV for the rest of the night. I will never forget any part of that day.

NMAH Story: Life Changed

Even though I didn't know anyone directly that passed away that day, it affected me deeply as if affected so many others. I did feel very connected with Flight 93. Tom Burnett, one of the passengers on that flight, went to my high school. Also - Mark Bingham, another passenger on that flight, was a very good friend of a guy that I graduated with. It really made me think about how close to home all of this was. I know that since that day, I have done my best to look out for others and to just try and be a nicer person. You never know what can happen. Life is so unpredictable and precious.

NMAH Story: Remembered

We should remember and celebrate all of the innocent lives taken away on that day.

NMAH Story: Flag


“nmah5537.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,