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Date Entered
NMAH Story: Story
I was just waking up when I heard my mom shouts from her room " oh my gosh! we've been hit!" I didnt know what she meant by "hit" but i knew it couldnt have been good. I hurry to her room and right as I walk in the door I see a plane go straight into a building. I was confused so I asked my mom what was going on. She began to tell me that we've just been attack by terroist. I didnt know what to say, I was in utter shock. I remember when I went to school that day everyone was panicing saying that their next target was going to be schools. Some people were even crying and left school early. But for some reason i wasnt even scared, untill i heard that a plane had hit somewhere in Pennsilvania. My Aunt Sheri lived only miles from where it had hit. Later that day I went to a church service specifically for what had just happened earlier that day. It was very had to sit there and listen to what the people had to say. Some of them lost loved one and others were just in disbelief. I couldnt help but cry. After the service, some friends and i stood out on a street corner at Brookhurts and Elis carring flag and lighting candles kind of as a tribute to those who lost there lives and to those who lost loved ones. Some local photographers from newspapers and news programs came to make a story. That is one day i will definatly not forget.
NMAH Story: Life Changed
My life hasnt changed drastically. Little things i hear about (maybe an accident or something) makes me wonder if it was terroist related.
NMAH Story: Remembered
The most important things to be remembered is the lives that were lost and all of those heros who tried to rescue the people stuck in the towers.
NMAH Story: Flag
We flew an american flag for a long while after 9/11. And on that date we continued to stand on the street corner in tribute of our heros and lost loved ones carring flags and lighting candles.
“nmah6751.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 16, 2025, https://911digitalarchive.org/items/show/45668.