September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

On the morning of september 11th 2001 i was in High school in manassas virginia just outside of Washington dc.
When the news came through the intercom at school about the twn towers it almost seemed unreal, noone could actually believe what happened.
Then they came on again and said that the pentagon had been hit, which then took me to the concern of my father who works in D.C.
After school was out trying to call him was impossible, the wireless phone lines were unaccesable.
I didnt know he was okay untill he reached home

NMAH Story: Life Changed

My life hasnt changed a great deal other than i take life more seriously and realize that terrorist
attacks are inevitable and the U.S. isnt as powerfull as most of us feel it is.
Life could be short and you never know when it will end, so take every minuits seriously.

NMAH Story: Remembered

I think that america should remember to not take everythign for granted and realize that we arent at the top of the world.
Also, that if someone wanted they could destroy us at anytime.

NMAH Story: Flag

Yes, i have had american flag in front of my house since sepetember 11th. Actually our community of 40 something houses
intalled falg holder for small flags on all the mailboxes, since flags have never came down and show are patriotism everyday, the flags
also remind us about that time.


“nmah2371.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed November 26, 2024,