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NMAH Story: Story
I witnessed history on 9-11 when i was in Mr. Merrill's third period science class. As soon as I walked in the room , I started talking to Bailey Wright, Nicole Ostertag, and Nicole Stebal. One of the teachers came in and said that the pentagon was gone and Mr. Merrill turned on the tv. We all saw the repeat on the news as the first plane hit and then the second. I remember at first I was in shock like oh my God how can that have happened. I also felt scared and I wanted to see my brother and go home. When I did get home, all I remember is watching the news and hearing about all of the people who parished; that made me sad. I swear that if my dad wasn't 48, he would have went to war. He kept saying,"All i want to do is kill those f'n bastards." I got scared that my dad might go to war, but he never did. He wanted us to nuke the people over in Afganistan. I also went over my cousins and talked to them about what happened too. I will never forget what my dad wrote on the back of his car. On the top said may god forgive you, an american flag in the middle, and on the bottom Because we won't.
NMAH Story: Life Changed
9-11 has changed my life in many ways. I have learned that life is too short and that we have to be thankful for what we have, like our friends, family, and a roof over our heads. I have learned to forgive people because if you don't, then you could have lost a great person in your life and you not realizing it. I think that the rules have been inforced more and that we have to do some things different, like airport security and such, but it is for the best. 9-11 has affected everyone around the world and certainly never will be forgotten.
NMAH Story: Remembered
I think that the people and the heroes should be remembered. Even though we have been in "war" for almost a year everyone that has been fighting and who have died, whether they are good or bad should be honored for their bravery. The World Trade Centers definately, even though they are no longer here physically, they will always be in our hearts and in our minds. And most importantly the people who died in the tragic event that happened almost one year ago.
NMAH Story: Flag
Yes we did fly our flag, actually we have never taken it down. I respect it a lot more than I used to and when I think about what the pledge of Allegence really means, I am thankful that I live in this country and I am proud to be an American!!!!
“nmah1674.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025, https://911digitalarchive.org/items/show/42914.