September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

I had gotten up around 6:30a.m to start getting my 6 yr. old son ready for school.Being as I work 2nd. shift at Dan River Inc., I came home after dropping him off at 8:20, and went to lay down for alittle while longer.I was awakened around 9:05. My husbund was calling to tell me that a plane had crashed into one of the WTC Towers. My television was already on,and I saw it imedieatly. I just thought it had been some kind of accident.I hung up the phone, but continued to watch. Then I saw a plane, fly ddetailsinto the second tower. At first I thought the news station was showing the 1st. plane again on tape. It only took a second or so to relize that it was the 2nd. tower being hit.Fear and shock ran through me.God in Heaven! how could this be happening? Me and my brother spent the entire day watching T.V., me in my room on MSNBC, my brother in the kitchen on CNN, both of us hollering back and forth details as to what was happening.Never will I forget.This is our Pearl Harbor.

NMAH Story: Life Changed

Who's life hasn't changed? I know mine has.I keep waiting for the other shoe to fall. I'm not living in constant fear,but yes I am very concerned.One of the highjackers lived only 20 miles from my hometown. I wonder about the Arabs that run the quick stores I go into. Allen Jacksons song "Where were you" still makes me cry. I pray for those who lost their lives, and their famileys. I hate the fact that this country lets so many imigrants into this country.I feel this is the begining of the end, I pray for my little boy.

NMAH Story: Remembered

I think the Hero's who died should always be remembered. The Firefighters,the Policemen, the brave people onboard flight93. All of them,and the children onboard the planes.

NMAH Story: Flag

Yes we put our flag out. It has been infront of my house since9-11-01, and there it will stay. As long as I'm breathing,there will always be a flag.


“nmah4433.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed November 23, 2024,