September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

I was ready to leave the house to head out to school. I always turn on the t.v. in the kitchen while I drink my orange juice to see the latest news. When the t.v. came on the first of the two towers was on fire and smoking. I could not believe what I was watching. The first thought was it was an accident simular to the B17 bomber hitting the Empire State building during WWII. I couldn't understand how it could happen because the sky was clear blue. Then...the second attack happen right in front of me. I yelled for my sister to come right away. I became weak and my body was covered with goose bumps. I started to cry inside and it took all my strength to keep it from showing. I wanted to be there to help and I felt the pain of those which I knew were not likely to escape. I could not move as the event played out. I became so angry. I wanted to fight back but against who? At that moment I decided that I would not be passive. I will do something, somehow but didn't know what. As I drove to school I had tears in my eyes. The only place I could cry without anyone seeing me was in my car. I would cry when I heard the voices of witnesses on the radio. When I would hear the National Anthem. If I passed an American flag flying. One thing after another without the ability to control my emotions. From sorrow to rage and back again.

NMAH Story: Life Changed

Yes, my life changed. During the month of September'2001 I felt so alone and defenseless. Powerless to repel those who hate us. Fearful of another attack. Regretful towards those Americans whom had been targets in the past. My focus on life turned from all me, my work, and personal goals to "us", Americans. I thought of everyone as my brother and sister. It made no difference who you were, what color or race, we are related. Your city became my city and your problems became mine. No matter who or what is yet to confront us we will be confronted together. I learned what a real hero was and I decided to contribute no matter what the cost or how long it would take.

NMAH Story: Remembered

I think we need to remember how we felt as a nation and how those directly affected by the attacks must of felt. We need to remember how Americans helped fellow citizens in time of need. What a true national hero is. We must remember what countries came to our aid and vowed to stand by us regardless what it may entail. We need to remember that the world contains countries which promote totally different values and life styles than ours. We must remember that trust comes from actions and not words. Most of all we must remember that we are also judge by our actions and not by our words. We must remember to do what we say and say what we do. We must remember what Presidents Roosevelt and Bush said: "Speak softly and carry a big stick" and "You are either with us or against us".

NMAH Story: Flag

Yes, my sister attached an American flag on the her mail box. My feelings about the flag didn't change so much as expanded. Post September I would leave work at 2:00 am and things would be so quite and calm. I would pass a car sales lot which has always flew a huge American flag. My eyes would tear from sadness every night as I passed. When I would go to work each day and saw so many flags on houses and cars my eyes would tear from being so proud of those who displayed the flags. Experiencing these feelings inspired me to contribute by designing a "911 Memorial Victory Flag" and another version called a "911 Battle Victory Flag". I want to preserve the emotions and memories we all had experienced on September 11,2001 and I want to express our support to those directly fighting our enemies in the war on terrorism. I present these flags to recognize organizations for their contributions to our daily lives and to our defense. I was told that one might even be displayed in your "911 display" at the Smithsonian. It was one that I presented to the Association of Flight Attendents. I am so proud of our Flight Attendents and wish them the best during these times.


“nmah26.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 1, 2024,