September 11 Digital Archive






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Date Entered


NMAH Story: Story

i was coming into general chorus as a 9th grader getting prepared to sing my lungs out!! i came in just talking normal because i had no idea what had happened. everyone was talking and my teacher yelled for everyone to be quiet!! noone knew why but we did any way she told us to watch the tv but because it was in the middle of the broadcast we still had no idea what was happening. when a comercial came on she explained to us what was happening and that the world trade centers were just hit!! with airplanes!!! then (i am not sure of time i was too shocked by what had just happened) the pentagon was hit and another one had crashed into the ground.

NMAH Story: Life Changed

yes because i have become more patriotic and have come closer to god i a different way than ever before

NMAH Story: Remembered

i believe that all the people that died should be remembered and i believe that the land should not be built on again because then, i believe, that will make us look insensitive and also that we dont care how many ppl died just as long as we get our money back so i believe the land should be remembered

NMAH Story: Flag

yes my family did fly a flag out in our yard many actually

yes a little bit i had a lot of respect for it before but now i have more


“nmah3217.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 1, 2024,