September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

It was a beautiful day, just as I am writing this to you now. I started my day off at work across the river from NYC in Jersey City, NJ. My office had a big picture window where you can see two trees on each side of the window and in the cener of the trees were the upper floors of the Twin Towers. The morning going as usual, until our receptionist called to me and said that a plane just hit the Twin Towers - she found out from her son in Georgia who'd called to tell her. Well we all thought that it was a helicpoter or a small sesna - an accident. Well, it was time for a cigarette break anyway and went outside to the front of my building and saw the smoke and fire. I was joined by another co-worker as we were talking - I kind of nudged her arm and said " What the hell is that?" Too my horror I witnessed the second plane. I screamed as loud as possible and grabbed my head in fear! I remember thinking - "Oh My God, all those people." Then it set in - we've been hit - those Bastards! As I stood there watching the flames the unthinkable happened - the first tower crumbled to the ground - we felt the shaking of the ground all the way across the river - Shear grief took over my body - completely uncontrollable - the tears flowing from my body - I could not imagine that in my life time - I would expereince something so devastating.Then the second tower fell - day turned into night right before my eyes. Incredible, horrific, devastating!

NMAH Story: Life Changed

I have no tolorence - an eye for an eye - I don't want to be like this and I am trying not to be.

I am very aware of my surroundings, I try to pay attention to who, what, when where! - We are vulnerable! America's way of life has changed.

NMAH Story: Remembered

The people that did this horrific act - in my opinion - tried to break us a whole - DIDN'T HAPPEN! The thing that is most memorable is how we all came together as one - not just America - the World! The human spirit can not be broken - it is amazing the resilience that we as a nation has. Remember what hate can do and remember what good was done by each and every American - we were all one!

NMAH Story: Flag

Absolutely, I had a flag on everything - My feelings towards the American flag - probably the most beautiful piece of art that I have ever seen - I can't look at it without reflecting and sometimes shedding a tear - Just the same with the Star Spangled Banner - the most poigniant song ever written! Makes me cry everytime! I am very proud to be an American!


“nmah6257.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 1, 2024,