September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

On September 11, 2001, I witnessed history happen. I walked into my lunch period around 10:15 and saw a plane crash into the World Trade Center on the television. I wasnt sure what happened because they shut off the television and didn't tell us what was going on. They, the teachers, were told not to talk about the event just incase the students parents or friends were working there. I was in suspense until my 9th period class when we talked about it and watched it ont he news. I was shocked and couldn't believe someone could do such a thing.

NMAH Story: Life Changed

My life has changed ever since Septemeber 11, 2001, because I am more cautious about things. Whenever I see a plane I get nervous. My mothere and I went to the airport to drop her friends off, and when I walked into the airport there is more security around. I was afraid that something might happen to my mom's friend, but nothing happened. Also since then I have learned not ot take life into granted. You never know hwat the next day is going to bring. You have to live each day to the fulliest, because the next day you might not be here. One more way that my life has changed, is that i take more pride in my country. Everyday when i stand up to say the Pledge of Alligance, I think of all the people who were killed or were at the WTC on the day that the attack happened.

NMAH Story: Remembered

I think that the innocent people that were killed in the September 11 tragedy should be remembered. They just went to a normal days work and they never came home. Also I think that the brave firefighters, EMTs, and the police that risked their lives to save others, should be remembered. Some of them went into the falllin building to other people's lives and and some lost their lives too. They should be remembered for thier heroism and bravey.

NMAH Story: Flag


“nmah1944.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 1, 2024,