September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

My alarm goes off at 5:15 am every work day. My daily routine is to get out of bed, go downstairs, let the dogs out, get my morning cup of coffee, let the dogs back in, head upstairs, and take my morning shower. I then start getting ready to go to work.
I turn on the morning news, about 5:50 am. I start curling my hair and glance around the dressing area, waiting to hear what the weather will be for the day. Instead on the TV screen are the twin towers covered with what looks like rain or snow, and fire on one side of the building. Shocked, I stop getting ready for work and am watching the TV and realize what I thought was rain was actually glass falling from broken windows. The news people were reporting that a plane had flown into the building. Shock, sick feeling in my stomach. Then, on the screen, comes another plane and I watch and it flies into the other tower. I yell to my husband, who is still asleep in bed, "John, look at the television - this is terrorism!" My husband sits straight up looking toward to television. He announces to me that "I can't see a thing - I don't have my glasses on". When he puts on his glasses, my loving husband says to me, "Barbara, do you know how many airports there are in the NY area...this is obviously an air traffic controller's mistake!" After much discussion, I was able to convince my husband that our Country had been attacked. The air traffic controllers were harmless!! We, as a country, however, will never be the same.

NMAH Story: Life Changed

I feel less safe now. It makes me think about people who spend their lives thinking of ways to hurt others. It makes me sad to think about my 14 year old son, and how his world will be very different from the one grew up in, and wondering how it will be for my 1 year old Granddaughter, Haley.

NMAH Story: Remembered

We should remember the heroes of 9-11. We should remember how united the country became. How proud we are to be American citizens.

NMAH Story: Flag

Absolutely!! We also put the flag stickers on our car windows. I am proud to be an American citizen, and want everyone to know it.


“nmah5217.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed June 28, 2024,