September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

I was off work that day but woke up at my usual time. I went through my usual morning routine of getting coffee started for myself and my husband and plopped down onto the sofa. I turned on CNN and couldn't believe what I was seeing. They had just reported a plane crashing into the WTC and were showing live footage. At that time, noone was sure if it was just a horrible accident or an intentional act. My husband and I just kept looking at each other. What's going on? Was this really happening? Then, we watched as the second plane hit. All of those innocent lives taken in an instant. Families ripped apart forever. My husband left for work and we hugged each other a little tighter that morning. So many of those killed had gone through their morning in much the same way. It was just another day, right? You get up, have breakfast, get ready for work, fight your way thru traffic and begin your work day. Only this day, so many would never make it back home to their families. I was watching the TV live as people were shown jumping from the office windows, smoke and debris filling the air and then suddenly, down went the tower. I kept thinking of all those people trapped in the wreckage unable to fight their way out, choking on smoke and fumes. And what about the rescue people beneath them? They had fought so bravely to help save those lives and paid the ultimate price. Soon, the second tower collapsed. A wave of fear came over me as it was announced that there were planes unacounted for and the airports were being ordered to shut down. Shut down all the airports in the country? This is insane! What's happening? Then, of course, we found out about the other two planes of destruction. I remember that evening, after my husband returned home from work, we sat outside for a long time. The evening was so still, so silent.

NMAH Story: Life Changed

Most definately. I never imagined anything like 9/11 could happen. Not here, not in America. Those were terrible things you see on TV happening in other countries. Now, it seems as if I almost expect it to happen again. I pray we never have to see this again. My husband and I make sure to take our time with everything now. We enjoy each other, our families and our friends. We reflect back and see how quickly our lives and the lives of those we love can be taken. Every minute is precious to us now. Before, we took time for granted. We planned for tomorrow and next week. Now, we just live each day and thank God for each day we have together.

NMAH Story: Remembered

That all those lost should be honored and remembered. We must continue to educate our youth so that 9/11 is NEVER forgotten and NEVER repeated.

NMAH Story: Flag

Absolutely. I have always been proud to be an American. My Grandfather, Uncle and my husband's Grandfather all fought in WWII. We know what a priviledge it is to be an American. Our flag is a symbol of not just our freedom, but a symbol of our strength, hope and dreams.


“nmah5713.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed June 28, 2024,