September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

"As for man, his days are as grass; as a flower of the field, so he flourisheth. For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone; and the place thereof shall know it no more"

These words kept ringing in my ears as I was watching live the devastation and the tragedy of that sad day. How fleeting one's life can be.

Early that morning about 8:30a.m. I was on the road to my supervisor's home for a meeting in a Montreal, Quebec suburb of Lorraine. It was being held there (with two other colleagues) because he had recently had a leg infection and it was difficult for him to get to the office.

I vaguely heard about an accident at the WTC on the car radio but had not really been listening. When i got to his house, one of my co-workers said something serious was happening in NYC.

We turned on the television about 9:00 am to be greeted with the unbelievable scenes of destruction and repeats of the first plane hitting the tower. It was so surreal. But then we were witnessing LIVE the second plane hitting a few minutes later....we all couldn:t fathom the images....Too much to absorb. We all went silent....We remained glued to the set the full morning and again saw LIVE the falling of both towers....the Pentagon being hit and the downed plane in Pennsylvania. We were witnesses to history. It felt like a movie just as it was in 1963 when, as a 15 year old, I saw Jack Ruby shoot Lee Harvey Oswald live on national TV.

The horror and sadness were overwhelming. Especially when the initial estimate of lost lives was being estimated at 10,000 or more....I wondered where God was that day.

Was this an omen of what the new Millenium had in store for mankind ? A period of upheaval, destruction and pure evil ?
I was numb for a long time afterwards....

NMAH Story: Life Changed

Sorrow washes over me very easily now.....

NMAH Story: Remembered

The brotherly love that led to the ultimate sacrifices of many firemen, policemen & countless others. No greater love than to sacrifice one's own life.

NMAH Story: Flag

Yes, a large one in my living room....
I am a Canadian and have had a mini US flag in my car since 1985.....I just feel that, with all of its faults, shortcomings and errors, America is a beacon unto the world. All my life, I could never understand why the USA is often put down when they have shown the greatest generosity and spirit of any nation in history. God bless America !!!!!


“nmah4235.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 28, 2024,