September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

I was driving to my job as an 11th grade US History & AP Art History teacher when I heard on the radio that a plane had struck the WTT. I called my husband who was still at home & told him to turn on the TV. Once I arrived at school I was able to turn on the TV & watch the horror unfold with my students. I couldn't turn the TV off all school day. There wasn't much discussion, just shock that this was happening. It was even more frightening for me because I told my students that I had had lunch in the Windows on the World restaurant at the top of the WTT years ago. The next day we did very little in class except to watch the news and discuss the events, even in my Advanced Placement Art History classes. Sadly this tragic event was the best "teachable moment" in my 31 years of teaching. At Back to School night my parents nodded their heads in agreement when I said we were living in a time when it was important to understand and appreciate our democracy and freedom and that the recent tragic events were going to make US History much more meaningful and relevant for the students this year.

When school started this year I looked back at my last year's teacher's plan book where I write out detailed lesson plans. I had hastily wrote on Tuesday, 9-11 "disaster struct at W. Trade Ctr.-discussed and watched T.V. didn't do much"
It was an eery feeling.

NMAH Story: Life Changed

I appreciate life much more and I am more willing to do things and go places than before Sept. 11th. But I won't go up to the tops of large skyscrapers ever again. I was in Chicago this summer and saw the Sears Tower and John Hancock buildings. I have been on the top of those buildings and enjoyed the view-never again.

It is much easier to engage my students in my US History classes since 9-11. So much of what has happened in American history, esp. since the 70s can be related to today's foreign policy decisions and possible reasons why the terrorists' attacks occured. Students seem to be paying more attention, esp. when I make reference to 9-11. (At least I hope they are more attentive and hence remember more!)

NMAH Story: Remembered

We need to seriously examine America's role in foreign policy. There is a big difference between "ruling" and "leading"-we have done too much of the former , especially under the Bush administration and not enough of the latter. We need to start a serious dialogue that transcends politics and self-interest. It is terrible that one is considered a traitor to our country simply for questioning our administration's war on terrorism policies!

NMAH Story: Flag

Yes, I also bought a car flag. Almost everyone in Orange County was flying one on their cars and on their house. No, my feelings haven't changed about the flag. I have always been patriotic. I have traveled a lot overseas and appreciate how good my life is in America and all the wonderful freedoms we have.


“nmah2081.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed September 28, 2024,