September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

"Dude, did you hear about the Twin Towers?" My friend asked me. I had no idea. Of course, it WAS seven-o'-clock in the morning and my brain was half dead. (My right-wing school is packed full of boneheads who have nothing better to do than play football all day, so the school starts early for "athletic purposes" or something.) My friend went on to explain how two airplanes had crashed into the Twin Towers. I thought he was joking, so I laughed it off.
Later that day, though, in every class I was forced to attend, teachers had their TVs on, showing the actual crashing of the second plane. I couldn't believe it; it was like a movie of some sort. I felt ashamed of myself for laughing at my friend earlier that morning.

NMAH Story: Life Changed

To be honest, my life hasn't changed much since September 11th. I felt incredibly sorry for the people who lost their precious lives and their families, but the whole incident was caused by right-wing money-grabbers, really. They should have put more effort into forming good relationships with the Middle East. After September 11th, caused by Osama Bin Ladin (correct my spelling if I got it wrong, please) and other Afghannies, what does our beloved President who rigged the election do? He starts a war, obviously for oil, with Iraq. Wow. That's really going to help us, because Osama and Saddam are GOOD FRIENDS. Sure.
My family travels a lot over vacations, and we frequently use airplanes to do so. It really helps me feel comfortable when I remind myself that the people working in airport security get paid less than people who work at Starbucks. Thank you, Mr. President. You're a great help.

NMAH Story: Remembered

I think all of the innocent people who lost their lives to terrorists and their memories should be remembered. In addition, we should remember that (P)resident Bush actually USED the memory of the people to give himself a better reputation. He came out like a hero after the attack and gave noble speeches some other money-grabber wrote for him.

NMAH Story: Flag

I've noticed that insecure immigrants (some who are probably illegal) who drive SUVs that get under 15mpg were more likely to own miniature flags after the incident. While people say that the flags help "unite America," people are really using them for their own security. They are basically saying, "Look! I'm an American, too, so please don't attack me." I hate to mention race, because it's only a collection of exterior features, but white people have become more aggressive toward other races since 9/11. Other races use the flag for protection. I hate to see the flag of such a wonderful country being abused like this.
As you, the reader, may have guessed, I do not own an American flag. I don't believe in covering myself with a costume of patriotism. Sure, I love my country very much, but we're not doing much to help anything by bashing France (which is trying to help keep our soldiers from dropping dead in Iraq) and being incredible racists against people in our own country.
(Also, I think criminals use flags to hide themselves from the police, but that's just me.)


“nmah6097.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed June 25, 2024,