September 11 Digital Archive






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NMAH Story: Story

I live at Plummer, ID I just got up early to take a shower for work, I usely watch the news in the morning, when I turned on the T.V. I see these two towers one tower was on fire, I thought the news was showing some new movie that was coming out at the theatres, so I went and took my shower, so I got out of the shower I look at the news again and realized this was actually happening, I was just saying, Oh my God, so when I got to work then I heard that the other tower hand fell also, I just felt sick to my stomach and felt awfull for all the people that was in those towers and weren't able to get out, it was just devistating to me, I thought I was just dreaming and wake up and it never happened, but this lingered on for for quit awhile, my heart goes out to all those families that lost their loved ones, also those planes that crashed also. Why did these happen? all these questions WHY? This is going to be a longlife rememberance for everybody. Hope the U.S will be more cautious and be more aware of whats going on and pay attention to things when things are reported on strange things that are told to them and take action on it.

NMAH Story: Life Changed

Never take things for granted, anything can happen to us all at any time of the day, no matter where you are at.

NMAH Story: Remembered

All the life's that been lost.

NMAH Story: Flag

I had a small flag on my car. No change about the American Flag.


“nmah6837.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed June 25, 2024,