September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

Tuesdays have always been my day off. That one started off like all the others. Tim was off to work before I got out of bed and I got up about a half hour later with our little girl Emma who was almost 2 at the time. We had just bought our first house and we were expecting our son Noah in 2 months. Life as we knew it was perfect. I turned on the Playhouse Disney for Emma and went into the kitchen to make us some breakfast. Thats when the phone rang. It was Tim telling me to turn on the news because a plane crashed into the Trade Center. I turned on CNN only to witness the second one and I just started to cry. My other line beeped and it was my mom. She was at work and called to see if I was ok. She knows about my fear of planes and how I would react to something like this. I remember her telling me to calm down.That it wasnt good for the baby. My thoughts immediatly turned to my kids. What was happening? Am I even going to see this child I am carrying? See my children grow up?

When you lose someone the hours and days that follow are so hard and just odd. I didnt know anyone personally that lost their life that day but it still felt like that. Like most of America my eyes were glued to the Tv that day. The first few hours in the morning holding my precious Emma watching the horrific events that followed. The afternoon with my little sister ( I called her to come over. I really needed the company) and in the evening over at my mom and dads with the rest of my family as the second tower fell. Just being together because who knew was the future held. We didnt know who did this or if they'd do it again.

The days and weeks following were a blur. I remember alot of praying especially for the victims and our families, donating money and buying flags and just trying to get on with life. One thing is for sure though, we will never ever be the same.


“story9323.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,