September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Hi, I am so glad you guys are ok!!! I have been not too good during the last
days. I turned on my tv by chance short after the second plane crashed into the
tower, and I couldn´t believe it!! I was really worried cause my best friend,
Jesse Smith, I don´t know if you know her, is at college in NYC. We just went
down there three weeks ago to get her settled in her room, so I just saw the
twin towers!! She goes to school on Long Island so I hoped she was there when it
happened. I called her and her roommate told me she was at her classes, so I was
really happy. But then I suddenly thought about my host sister, cause she is in
NYC, too and she is doing street ministry and feeding the homeless and all that
kind of stuff from her bible school. I knew she could be anywhere,cause they are
always all over the city, so I started to panic!! I called my mom(hostmom) and
she was panicking, too cause she had just heard what happened. I hung up with
her, so that she could try and get a hold of Kelly (my sis), and I called my
best friend here, and watched the news. It was so horrible, we saw the two
towers crash down, life on tv. I was totally beside myself, and so I called my
dad at work, cause I was home alone and I couldn´t stand that. He was in a
really important meeting, and he didn´t know what happened yet. He tried to calm
me down and was glad that I called. My two best friends in Germany came over
later on to keep me company and we watched the news all the time. After a few
hours I finally got a hold of my mom again, and she told me that Kelly was ok,
but very scared. She was supposed to work at a church that day, but luckily they
canceled it the day before, cause that church was totally destroyed when the
towers came down!! I know that was God who made them change the schedule the day
So I was a lot better after I heard from mom!! I stayed up until 2:30am(your
time 8:30pm), to see Bush´s speech.Then I finally went to bed. I was really
tired in school the next morning!!! But now I will tell you what people are
saying here in Germany. EVERYBODY is totally shocked and scared, no one ever
thought of that!!!Everyone was watching the news all the time. They only showed
news on tv and no commercial at all. They had huge extra services at churches in
all parts of the country and it was packed everywhere. People layed down flowers
in front of the American Embassy, and all flags were hanging on half( I dont
know how to say that). In our school we had the American flag up with a black
banner on the side, and yesterday at 10 am all Germany ahd a moment (2-5minutes)
of silence to honor the people in America. they had it all over the country. The
cars stopped in the streets, the factories stopped their machines, the radio was
silent, it was awesome!!!I was in school, so I didnt realize that all the cars
stopped and the people were stopping everything they were doing. I saw it in the
news at night and it was really moving, so I cried, again!! I talked to mom and
Jesse again two days ago, for like two hours, and they were doing ok.
Today we had a moment of silence in all Europe at noon. Everybody here is
thinking of America, and no one can understand how someone can do such a
horrible thing!!
Right now I am a little scared about a possible war, but I am praying that they
will find a way to solve this with no more deaths of innocent people!!
I thank you so much that you wrote!!!!!
Are you still flying to Dallas??
Congratulations to your baby by the way, I am so glad that you guys are happy
with her!! My host sister has a baby, too, she is 6 1/2 months and the cutest
kid, I loved babysitting her a few times while I was there for the summer!! I
was there when she siad her first words : MAMA!!! and now she says even more,
like: BABA,DADA,GHHH,..... Babies are so fun!!
oh, here is my address by the way:
Katharina Dettler
Föhrenweg 6
91091 Grossenseebach
Well, I have to go nowm I gotta pick up my sister and then go to bed, cause I
have to work in the morning!!:(
Please keep in touch, I would love to hear from you!!
I am praying for you!!!
Love, Kata !!:):)

Richard & Julie Axford schrieb:
> Hello! How are you? We are all o.k. but a little nervous. My Mom and Dad
> were supposed to fly to Los Angeles, California yesterday and I am going to
> Dallas with the Baby and my Mom end of Sept. What are people saying in your
> part of the world?
> Take care. Miss ya! -Julie

September 11 Email: Date

September 14, 2001

September 11 Email: Subject

Hello from Germany (from a former student)


“email79.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 5, 2024,