September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

9/11/01 - 9:38am
i'm ok but i don't know what else to write.


9/13 - 10:09am
i still can't go outside.
the air smells like i'm living next to a burning tire yard, and the police
still have my neighborhood cordonned off.
so i'll sit inside and listen to solomon burke and try to pretend
that things are normal.

9/14 - 2:18am

just fyi, here is an update for today that i wrote for my website:

in talking to my friends i've realized that one of the things, if not
the only thing, that's
keeping people from really losing it is solidarity and friendship.
having said that i've realized that, for what it's worth, i will stay
here and read the
boards and post my updates as i've been doing for the last year.
i was deeply hurt by some of the negative posts on my site, so much so
that i felt
the need to leave for a while and grieve and cope in private.
but i gather strength from the posts that you write, and i hope that in
some small way
i can offer something to the people who read my updates.
and i've realized that in the future i will avoid the negative posts
from people who have
chosen, for whatever reason, to hate me.
so after a very short absence i feel that i should be here. and in the
interest of
friendship and solidarity and for better and for worse, i'm here. i
want to be here. your
community means a lot to me. thank you.
it's raining now in new york. and although i feel terribly for the
relief workers who
have to work in the rain, it still feels as if we're being cleansed.
this is a very intense
rain, and it feels almost as if god is scouring manhattan. the first
step in healing a wound
is cleansing it. and as i said, i feel TERRIBLY that the rescue workers
have to work in
the rain, but the city and the sky over manhattan are being scrubbed. i
overheard someone
in a bar tonight saying 'this rain is cleaning our souls.' and it
seemed right.
it's been raining on this planet for over 4 billion years. there are
universals and constants
that will overcome whatever horrors we can come up with. flowers grow
where concentration
camps used to be. rivers wash away the blood from battlefields. the
horror of the last
few days will be replaced by hope and healing.

September 11 Email: Date

9/11/01 & 9/13/01 & 9/14/01

September 11 Email: Subject

are you ok?


“email324.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 8, 2024,