September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body


I'm glad you are Ok, and I am sad for what you had to see. My building 115 Broadway, has it's back entrance on Trinity, which becomes Church Street - the street on which the front plazas of the WTC buildings were. I usually would have been making a deposit on Tuesdays in the World Financial Center, adjacent to the Towers, but when I arrived at my office of the 17th floor at 8:30 was given another project. When we heard the first impact, saw the rain of debris and paperwork raining down we were scared. I made several calls to let people know I was ok. The second impact set the Tower closer to us (2 blocks) ablaze. To see 20 or so stories of a building ablaze only a few hundred yards away as debris flies by your window is truly terrifying. When we left, I made my way as quickly as possible East and then North. I was concerned about further explosions, and flying debris, never expecting those towers could actually collapse. The sight of these two building ablaze, that hundreds were dead or dying right above me made me numb. I actually had to stop a policeman to ask how to get north. 15 minutes later - I was at 19th street, the first collapse occurred. I was spared actually seeing the planes crash "live" as well as seeing the buildings fall...I was already uptown. Two hours later I made it to Trinity Church. We have had two services at church...all of NY is numb...I'm glad you're ok, and look forward to seeing you this Sunday. May God help us to get thru this.


September 11 Email: Date

Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 1:43 PM

September 11 Email: Subject

Subject: RE: Tragedy in Lower Manhattan


“email460.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 8, 2024,