September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

katherine biller
junior in high school

I can remember exactly what I was doing on 9-11 but at the same time it's a blur, one big mess of a blur. I was a sophomore in Niceville High and it was just another day and the bell had just rung for 5th period to start and I had Mrs. DiCesare, English 2. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary and we were getting going on an assignment when the phone rang in her room. We had another teacher in there too by the name of Mrs. Murphy and if one of them was buzy the other would take over. Well Mrs. Murphy started to teach the class while Mrs. DiCesare answered the phone. Now in my mind I was thinking "Okay no biggy this happens all the time and then Mrs. DiCesare will just pick up where Mrs. Murphy left off." When Mrs. DiCesare hung up that phone nothing in the world could have prepared me for what happened next. She ran over to the T.V. and turned it on to a channel showing smoke coming from a building and like all news I wasn't interested at first (my dad had always told me to watch the news and learn something educational, not cartoons) then something caught my eye, a plane ran into another building right beside the first. Something flashed on the screen saying "Second of Twin Towers Hit". I wanted to cry but no tears came. The room that was always loud 5th period became silent except the gasps of Mrs. DiCesare. My heart went out to her because she came to Niceville, Fl. from New York. I didn't know what to do but stare and shutter the thought of people in those towers.


“story6513.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,