September 11 Digital Archive






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911DA Story: Story

I was in my shrink's office when the patient who was scheduled after me knocked on the door. "Did you hear what just happened?" She was in hysterics. Of course, neither my doctor nor I knew what was going on because we had been too busy talking about my problems... :-)

When I left the office, I entered a tide of people leaving the downtown area, panicked and confused. A cacophony of horns and sirens filled the air as traffic haphazardly crawled along the streets leading out of the city. I seemed to be the only one not on her way to Virginia. I continued making my way up Connecticut on what to me seemed to be a lovely day weather wise. I had yet to find out what had occurred.

About one block later, there were three construction workers huddled around the 12" black and white television set they had placed on the sidewalk. I paused to inquire what was going on...I was then informed of the attack.

I stopped by a local market, bought some olives, cheese, bread, pastries, and wine. Walked over to a friend?s apartment off the Circle, where I telephoned relatives to let them know I was okay, listened to the radio, napped on her couch, and waited for the second foot to fall.

I refused to watch television, and have yet to see images of the planes hitting the twin towers....


“story26.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed March 6, 2025,