September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

9/11/01 10:13 AM

Dear sisters:
Carla and I are safe so far. I tried to call Mom but she was having
phone problems I think. If one of you can call her (I will keep trying) that
would be great. More later.



9/11/01 6:04 PM

Dear Sisters:
This has been quite a day. Fortunately, we were home and so far I haven't learned of any casualties among my friends and colleagues. Tom S. was in the neighborhood of the Twin Towers at the time and ran from
the blackness among all the panic and learned to travel north, which he did, and walked accross the Brooklyn Bridge, then walked and hitchhiked home. Paul K. was on a bus in Hoboken and the bus driver announced that a plane
had struck the WTC and now the Lincoln Tunnel would be closed. Then he got himself to the ferry to take him to midtown. Obviously he could see what was happening and halfway across the river the coast guard made the boat go back.
I was worried about those people because I know their schedules.
This is still such a shock to me. I can't believe it. Carla and I can see dark smog in the distance. I finally got through to Mom. She went to the doctor today. She is OK.
I can't think of anything in particular that you can do for me except keep in touch if you have any thoughts. It is nice that e-mail works so well. I'm sure that phone lines will be better now or soon.

Love, Marty

September 11 Email: Date


September 11 Email: Subject

We are OK


“email583.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed October 7, 2024,