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September 11 Email: Body
yesterday subways stopped at 42 St; today all the way to Bklyn Bridge (I'm at 34th St). Still no traffic going by Empire State Bldg, which is causing massive honking, etc., outside my window. And long checkin lines in the rain to ES, but fine here. We still don't believe it, which is how we get through it, just like everyone else in the world (cousin Peter called from Greenland!)
My neighbor Gia, who's 8 & for whom I babysit a lot, when I asked her about what was going on & who did it, said, "The enemies and tourists." Poor thing had never heard of terrorists.
As you've heard, I, me, am fine, like most everybody. Just aghast that a huge bunch of families (and rescue workers, esp. in today's rain) will never be fine. It seems as far away to me as to everyone else.
"Glad to hear you are well and uninjured. We too are worried about friends who may have been trapped. I am also worried about former colleagues who ay have been at or near ground zero during the collapse. It's all so surreal...although I certainly know how resilient New Yorkers are, and I'm sure there will be great effort to try and go on. Max is very awful to be a child and fell such fear and have such little understanding or
comprehension of such things. We are going on for the kids as if nothing has changed, although, of course, it has forever."
they found a package on 44th floor, evacuated a 4-block area (includes us, but almost no one was around at all), & found no problem. So far 4 bomb threats at Grand Central (which we all go through because no subway south of 42 St). Am on my way there now (yoga canceled & truly don't feel like working).
"FYI, glad things are okay. What happened with
evacuation of Empire State Building last night?"
CUNY open; strikers picketing some construction across the street (LOUDLY). Smoke beginning to fade & there's a big cavity in the smile of the skyline (mixed metaphor, I know). STINKY smoke yesterday so left early; wind now shifted again so a gorgeous sunny day except for the smog down the avenue. So far only acquaintances in the WTC, but dreading hearing more. Mostly hearing good-luck stories of missed meetings & trains that kept people safe. Spent Tues & some of Wed sitting for my 8-yr-old neighbor Gia, so much keeping calm & explaining & laughing about other things to help keep perspective.
"It was SO good to hear that you are OK. What can one
say. Your/our city looks so unbalanced. Please know
that we are here if there is anything we can do! Best
from all in Vermont!"
we're okay - I think no more affected than anyone else in the country; it all seems so far away & unbelievable. our office is across from Empire State Bldg, which is closed (as is Fifth Ave at 34th St), and that makes it close & real, but the strikers who were blowing whistles on the corner all day last week still are. Astoundingly beautiful weather through all this, with a big ugly smelly (electrical burning) cloud down at the end of the view. Still hoping we don't know people who were at WTC. Love to all
"How are you. We are just in complete shock here and can't imagine what you all are going through. Please let me know that you are OK."
yesterday subways stopped at 42 St; today all the way to Bklyn Bridge (I'm at 34th St). Still no traffic going by Empire State Bldg, which is causing massive honking, etc., outside my window. And long checkin lines in the rain to ES, but fine here. We still don't believe it, which is how we get through it, just like everyone else in the world (cousin Peter called from Greenland!)
My neighbor Gia, who's 8 & for whom I babysit a lot, when I asked her about what was going on & who did it, said, "The enemies and tourists." Poor thing had never heard of terrorists.
As you've heard, I, me, am fine, like most everybody. Just aghast that a huge bunch of families (and rescue workers, esp. in today's rain) will never be fine. It seems as far away to me as to everyone else.
"Glad to hear you are well and uninjured. We too are worried about friends who may have been trapped. I am also worried about former colleagues who ay have been at or near ground zero during the collapse. It's all so surreal...although I certainly know how resilient New Yorkers are, and I'm sure there will be great effort to try and go on. Max is very awful to be a child and fell such fear and have such little understanding or
comprehension of such things. We are going on for the kids as if nothing has changed, although, of course, it has forever."
they found a package on 44th floor, evacuated a 4-block area (includes us, but almost no one was around at all), & found no problem. So far 4 bomb threats at Grand Central (which we all go through because no subway south of 42 St). Am on my way there now (yoga canceled & truly don't feel like working).
"FYI, glad things are okay. What happened with
evacuation of Empire State Building last night?"
CUNY open; strikers picketing some construction across the street (LOUDLY). Smoke beginning to fade & there's a big cavity in the smile of the skyline (mixed metaphor, I know). STINKY smoke yesterday so left early; wind now shifted again so a gorgeous sunny day except for the smog down the avenue. So far only acquaintances in the WTC, but dreading hearing more. Mostly hearing good-luck stories of missed meetings & trains that kept people safe. Spent Tues & some of Wed sitting for my 8-yr-old neighbor Gia, so much keeping calm & explaining & laughing about other things to help keep perspective.
"It was SO good to hear that you are OK. What can one
say. Your/our city looks so unbalanced. Please know
that we are here if there is anything we can do! Best
from all in Vermont!"
we're okay - I think no more affected than anyone else in the country; it all seems so far away & unbelievable. our office is across from Empire State Bldg, which is closed (as is Fifth Ave at 34th St), and that makes it close & real, but the strikers who were blowing whistles on the corner all day last week still are. Astoundingly beautiful weather through all this, with a big ugly smelly (electrical burning) cloud down at the end of the view. Still hoping we don't know people who were at WTC. Love to all
"How are you. We are just in complete shock here and can't imagine what you all are going through. Please let me know that you are OK."
September 11 Email: Date
9/12 to 9/14
September 11 Email: Subject
“email149.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed January 16, 2025,