September 11 Digital Archive






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September 11 Email: Body

Kim & Matt,
We were so glad to get your message that Matt is home.
Because Dee and Wendy don't check email all that often, I took the
liberty of calling them after we got your email. Wendy said Darcy
her asking for your number, but they played telephone tag--Darcy left a
message and then Wendy had to leave a message.
We thought of the car last night, and very quickly came to the same
conclusion you did--it can wait.
I suspect many of the buildings that survived yesterday's attacks may
have severe structural damage. While getting the market back up and
running as a symbol of stability is a laudable idea, one hopes that it
won't be done in a way that endangers more lives.
So that it won't catch you unaware, we're taking a vacation next week.
We plan to leave Saturday and aren't sure when we'll be back, but
probably not later than the 22nd. Bobbie Caetano and her sister are
going to be in East Texas visiting family, and we plan to meet them for
dinner one evening. She had planned on coming to San Antonio, but it's
about 600 miles round trip--not something to do when you only have
five days in the first place.
Keep taking care of each other.

On Wed, 12 Sep 2001 18:56:55 -0700 (PDT) Kim <email deleted>
> Matt is home safe and sound as of about 11:30 this morning. To our
> knowledge his co-workers and their immediate family members were
> also
> all safe and without life threatening injuries. We were greatly
> concerned for the wife of one of the guys, but thank god her bus was
> late yesterday. We still know of folks who are awaiting word and
> know
> of others whose loved ones who are involved in emergency efforts,
> and
> our thoughts are with them.
> I will be returning to work tomorrow. Matt, as you may expect,
> won't
> be back to GS for a while, though he may be called on to report to
> one
> of their emergency sites and will be working from home. One of the
> buildings that has several floors dedicated to GS (1 Liberty Plaza)
> is
> in danger of collapsing, and in general the attack has created
> unimaginable havoc for most financial firms and their technical
> systems, including GS. There is a high priority in getting the
> financial services markets back up and running as a key indicator of
> economic stability, etc. On an unimportant sidenote, we actually
> have no idea when we will be able to find out about the condition of
> and/or retrieve his car. We are not exactly in a hurry to do so.
> Since we are ok and trying to get things back to normal, I will
> probably return to being the same horrendous correspondent that I
> have
> always been. If there is news, please be assured that Matt or I
> will
> contact you somehow (probably through Mom & Dad again).
> Much love,
> Kim

September 11 Email: Date

Wed, 12 Sep 2001 23:28:47 -0500

September 11 Email: Subject

Re: Matt home now!


“email808.xml,” September 11 Digital Archive, accessed July 5, 2024,